Info on chicken feed
19 years ago
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- 19 years ago
- 19 years ago
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Chicken feeder problem - my chickens waste their feed a lot...
Comments (2)the best feeder I've ever owned for poultry is a 4 inch pvc pipe with both ends capped. It's about 3 feet long. one third of the pipe is cut away, like a slice off the length. The caps are screwed on to two triangular pieces of treated 2x6. Those are about8 inches high and about 12 inches long. the capps are then glued on to the pipe. It's like a trough. they can't peck the feed out or sratch it out. You can also use it for water if you put the screws toward the top of the cap. I have one also made from 2 inch pipe for chicks, keeps the mama from scratching all the chick starter out..and keeps the wee babes out of the water....See MoreFeeding chickens flax seed?
Comments (18)I have fed my chickens flax seeds for a couple of years now. I never had the eggs tested, but I would be very curious to do so, just to see what the Omega-3 content is. I mostly supplement during winter months, because they do a lot of free ranging when the weather is warm and from what I have read, free ranging greatly increases the Omega-3 content as well. The only problem I've had is that they don't really love the stuff. They'll eat it if I throw some on the ground for them, but when I tried mixing it in with their feed, they picked out the feed and all the flax was left in a pile at the bottom of the feeder. I guess they like it OK as a snack, but there are other snacks they like better, such as commercial bird seed. I've also been curious about that - how does the sunflower seeds, millet, etc in bird seed affect the fat content of the eggs? -Diggity...See MorePopped up from chicken feed?
Comments (2)Sorghum, aka milo. Here is a link that might be useful: Sorghum...See Moreis it safe to feed hornworms to chickens?
Comments (3)thanks for the thoughts, dottie. The argument against that is i definitely have seen chickens watch over their heads and actively work to get things there- and hornworms could easily be within their range naturally. Not everyone stakes maters, and i know that boxers can get a taste for maters and become real pests, eating a hole or 2 out of every one within reach. I assume it's on the nonstaked plants, b/c even an adult wouldn't be tall or agile enough to get at any but the first set on staked maters. But, if there are unstaked maters, then hornworms could easily be in reach of both turtles and chickens. Also, if chicken or turtle finds a pupae of a moth, they'll gobble it faster than you can blink, and hawkmoths along with many others, pupate directly in the ground. I always do leave the cats who have the wasp pupae cases on them, but it's maybe a 1 to 15 ratio- and i'm not about to let that many unaffected hornworms reach maturity. When they show up for me, they show up in mass numbers. Plus, they are so damaging. I love to watch the hawkmoths in the evening go about their business, but i figure there's enough that slip through or are on the wild solanacea plants that can supplement the population. I've seen hornworms eating on some strange things, too- sunflowers, buddleia, etc. I usually leave those be unless they are doing extreme damage or are in high numbers. There are several different species, so they may be other ones or their tastes/tolerance may range wider than is commonly thought. I guess my ? was more on the line of would the natural chems from the tomato plants hurt the chickens via the hornworms? Right now it's not an issue but i'm part of a community garden that has lots of maters and also a flock of chickens. I was asking so that down the rd when the hornworms show up, we know if we can give them to the chickens....See MoreRelated Professionals
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