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path-pieces of granite

20 years ago

I am collecting pieces of granite from a countertop company's dumpster for a path. (This will be a long process since I will only take suitably-sized pieces that are located ON TOP of the dumpster pile. No diving for me, no touching yucky stuff.) The pieces look fabulous. However I think the shiny side up would be much too slick and a liability, so I'm going to turn them upside down (the bottom is covered with some kind of cement-like/drywall-like stuff; not at all gorgeous like the granite side).

Is there a way to de-slipperize the shiny granite top side so I can use it right-side-up. I'm thinking an electric sander could scratch it up enough, and it will still look loads better and more interesting than the bottom of the granite pieces. But I'm not sure it would have enough traction.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts, Rose.

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