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have: trade: black sapote (chocolate pudding fruit) seeds

I have some black sapote seeds up for grabs. I will trade them for some fruit seeds of something that grows in South Florida. I am only looking for fruit seeds please.
Name & Family
English: Black Sapote, Black Persimmon, Chocolate-Fruit, Chocolate Pudding Fruit
Spanish: Zapote Negro
German: Schwarze Sapote
Scientifical: Diospyros digyna, Family: Ebenaceae
Same family: Kaki - Mabolo - Japanese Persimmon

Tropical Fruit, 2 to 10 seeded.
Seeds: shining dark red-brown colored.
Many trees bear pitless fruit.
Mexican relative to the Chinese persimmon.

Description, Taste & storage
The Black Sapote is a Tomato-like fruit, 10 x 13 cm. large berry with a thin and firm rind. Its color is shining dark green with brown specs. The fruitflesh is rich, dark brown colored and custard like and is therefore called the Chocolate pudding fruit.
Complete ripe fruits are often ugly brown.
Black sapote's flesh is rich and custard-like, with a sweet, nut-like mild flavor and when ripe fruit pulp is blended with milk, cream or ice-cream, it tastes like mild chocolate - but without the caffeine or calories!

The black sapote is native in Mexico and Guatemala.
It is cultivated in Florida, The Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Hawaii.
It is an evergreen tree and grows upto 8 meter or more.

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