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Lg. Trades Wanted..Picture heavy!

13 years ago

Looking for a few large trades (it's cheaper!). These are the seeds I've got to trade at this time. Most trades are 25, unless specified otherwise. Most are from my garden and open pollinated. A few are commercial seed. I'm looking to fill my wants that are listed below.

I have:

Agastache scrophulariifolia {{gwi:61831}}

Allysum Unknown from trade

Amaranthus Candelabra

Amaranthus Intense Purple

Apple Gourd

Balloon Flowers Blue unk from a trade {{gwi:61832}}

Baptisia Carolina Moonlight Offspring is usually white! {{gwi:61833}}

Baptisia Tinctoria

Black-Eyed Susans {{gwi:61834}}

Purple Coneflowers

Calendula officianalis Pot Marigold Orange 1 trade

Cerinthe Major Blue Kiwi {{gwi:61835}}

Chinese Forget Me Nots Cynoglossum Amabile

Cockscomb Celosia Heirloom Burgundy {{gwi:61836}}

Columbine Purple Unknown Grew from seed of a trade {{gwi:61837}}

Cosmos Mixed bipinnauts

Cuphea llavea seed from Flamenco Tango {{gwi:61838}}

Datura Stramonium Lavender


Bule Gourd

Dinasour Gourd

Dipper Gourd

Flame Acanthus

Red Flax {{gwi:61839}}

Great Blue Lobelia

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory {{gwi:61840}}

Hyacinth Bean Vine Lablab purpureus {{gwi:61841}}

Jacob's Ladder Blue Polemonium caeruleum

Jerusalem Sage 15 seeds

Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate Polygonum orientale

Larkspur Unknown (Either blue or purple

Marble Peppers {{gwi:61843}}

Marigolds Red Cherry, Orange, Yellow




Melampodium Million Gold

Mix of Rose of Sharon

Monarda Fistalosa

Money Plant Lunaria annua (Pink) {{gwi:61846}}

Nicandra Shoofly

Petunias Mixed

Pink Swamp Milkweed Asclepias incarnata

Red Salvia Tall variety that was OP {{gwi:61847}}

Red Salvia Tall variety/unk/I always grow {{gwi:61848}}

Red Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans

Rose Campion {{gwi:61849}}

Rudbeckia Hirta Gloriosa {{gwi:61850}}

Scabiosa Atropurpurea Scarlet Park's Seed 20 seeds

Stokesia Blue {{gwi:61852}}

Sunflower Moulin Rouge

Sunflower Russian Mammoth 15 seeds {{gwi:61854}}

Tweedia caerulea - Blue Flowered Milkweed {{gwi:61856}}

My Wants:

Ageratum (Any)

Angelonia White

Alyssum Deep Purple

Aurinia Saxatilis

Cardinal Flower

Trumpet Vine

Superbells Calibrachoa (especially Red!)

Gold Mound Duranta repens

Cuphea llavea Totally Tempted

Cosmos bipinnatus - 'Rose Bonbon'


Lobelia siphilitica Great White

Nemesia White

Phlox (Any!)

Salvia 'Snow Hill'

Baptisia (most any; let me know what you have!)

Dianthus - superbus Crimsonia TMseeds

Dahlia Hello Gorgeous

Coreopsis - grandiflora Presto TMseeds

Hollyhock - rosea Fiesta Time Tmseeds

Salvia - argentea Artemis TMseeds

Eryngium - alpinum Blue Lace TMseeds

Sunsatia Lemon (old)Nemesia

Nemesia Safari Pink

Nemesia Bluebird

Coleus: (Most any...)

Gay's Delight Solenostemon scutellarioides

Glennis Solenostemon scutellarioides

Snapdragons (Prefer tall or medium ones, but will accept some shorter varieties)

Verbena Quartz or Tuscany series

Zinnias (Any except profusion)

Veggie Seed Wanted:




Sugar Pumpkins


Let me know what you've got!

***If you have something else interesting and/or that hummingbirds like, please let me know!

Comments (12)
