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How much farming in your personal farm life story?

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those who responded to my landscaping question!

I was wondering how many posters have an actual working farm versus a hobby farm versus a country property.

I really respect people who farm for a living. It's hard work! Both my parents were the first generation off the (dairy) farm. One grandad also grew potatoes for the market along with dairy. My sole experience with working farms comes from visits to my maternal grandparents farm which had been in the family since the 1820's. It has since been sold to another farmer. My parents always preferred to live out in the country when possible and they inculcated the love of open space in me.

Our "farm" is our newly acquired second home and it sure is one heck of a fixer upper! It is at least 150 years old and started as a log home. I'm learning a lot about fixing old leaky houses with cracked plaster walls and bad slate roofs!

We bought the place for a couple of reasons. First, a developer has purchased the land that surrounds our house--a lovely hill overlooking the town. When he begins to build, it will change the flavor of the solitude we currently enjoy, add light pollution and noise and the dreaded "home owners association". We knew we had to have a "get away" place. At our fixer-upper, all our neighbors value open space too and have horses, goats, chickens, cows and such and bale their own hay.

Second, I'm really concerned about peak oil and the economy possibly going to h_ll in a handbasket. I want to be able to grow as much of our own food as I can, have our own water and hopefully power off the grid if necessary. I'd also like to have animals, but we don't officially have true pasture. I think our several acres of woodlot was pasture once upon a time. It would need clearing.

I'm currently a SAHM with teenagers and my husband is a professional in the govt contracting tech field. He's really good at DIY fixing and really game though this is a heck of a lot of work and sometimes I think we're doing this by the financial skin of our teeth! I do love to work with my hands though and I enjoy improving the place bit by bit.

What's your story?

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