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WANTED: Cuphea, others, have commercial etc

10 years ago

Am open to other related types, but I'm looking for just a few seeds for/from any of these plants:
Abutilon x suntense alba
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snow Carpet'
Argemone polyanthemos
Argemone sanguiniea
Bidens ferulifolia 'Orange Drop'
Chaenactis stevioides
Coreopsis, white cultivars
Crepis rubra 'alba'
Crotalaria retusa
Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Alba'
Cuphea nudicostata
Glaucium corniculatum
Ipomoea obscura 'Keniaki'
Melampyrum laxum
Meconella oregana
Pavonia clathrata

To exchange, I have some left over commercial seeds from today's sowing:
12 seeds Porphyrocoma pohliana
20 seeds Pentas Graffiti Lipstick
15 Agastache mexicana, Champagne
20 Rudbeckia hirta, Sahara
20 Tithonia speciosa, Yellow Torch
12 pelleted Digitalis purpurea, Dalmation white with Maroon spots
30+ Achillea tomentosa, Goldie

12+ Gomphocarpus fruticosus syn Asclepias fruticosa
5 seeds Gossypium herbacium 'nigra'
8 seeds Pavonia praemorsa
2 seeds Ruttya fruticosa (Yes, I harvested more, but had an open window strong breeze incident)
15 seeds Dichondra Silver Falls
10 seeds Bakeridesia integerrima


Still looking, updated to reflect seeds that are gone.

This post was edited by poisondartfrog on Tue, Feb 4, 14 at 21:35

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