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Foliage-Pro versus Liquid Grow

15 years ago

The liquid fertilizer known as Foliage-Pro, with its NPK ratio of 9-3-6, is enthusiastically supported by a number of knowledgeable and experienced contributors to this forum. Without doubt this support is merited. But the enthusiasm may not be shared by the general gardening

public. My reason for raising this possibility is the difficulty I've been experiencing in trying to locate a local supplier for it, even in any of the nursery suppliers in the horticulturally active community of Seattle, and even among suppliers who carry other products from the same manufacturer. I've been told by some retailers that their wholesaler won't even order it since there is so little demand for it, whereas another of Dyna-gro's liquid fertilizers, Liquid Grow (N-P-K of 7-9-5), is readily obtainable. The formula for Liquid Grow, as given in their promotional pamphlet, is remarkably similar (except for N-P-K) to Foliage-Pro. And, naturally, the claim is made that Liquid Grow is the "single formula to use on all of your plants all of the time." My questions are, has anyone compared the benefits of Foliage-Pro versus Liquid Grow, and is the superiority of Foliage-Pro (if any) worth my paying shipping costs to receive it from an out-of-state source?

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