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What's eating my carrot seedlings?

11 years ago

I have done tons of internet research, posted on a forum, even called our extension office, but not received anything that has helped. Here's the story...

Late last summer, I built a 3x3 foot raised garden (3 feet off the ground). I planted carrot seeds; as soon as they sprouted into their 2 little leaves, something was eating them. They were being eaten from the outside of the leaves downward. I was able to find several little black & yellow caterpillars on the underside of the leaves. I spread DE around, and that did the trick. I had a great carrot harvest that fall!

Fast forward to now - I planted seeds again a few weeks ago. And again, as soon as my little carrot seedlings came up, they started being eaten away again. I spread DE from the start, and have done it faithfully every few days, after rain, etc. The damage is the same - they are eaten from the outside of the leaves downward. I canNOT catch any critters this time, even going out at nighttime. I don't see anything.

I went out just now and my entire carrot crop is gone. gone. This is not "oh, that's not too much damage". Every. seedling. is. gone. There's nothing to take a picture of to show you. And yet my beans & peas a few feet away are perfectly fine.

Where I am, I still have time to plant again. But I really want to know what this is, and how to prevent it. I don't get why the DE wasn't doing it. Could it be birds? I can rug up something to cover it.

I'm really hoping someone can help me.

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