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Older Seed Giveaway

15 years ago

I'd like to get rid of a bunch of my old seeds and hope some of you can find use for them.

Since I don't recall doing a seed giveaway last year, this offer is open all new members who

signed up in the last two years. The seeds on my trade list are not available for this

giveaway, here is what I have for this offer:

Abelmoschus manihot

Abelmoschus muschuetos

Allium aflatuense

Allium senescens

Allium tauricum yellow

Amsonia tabernaemontana

Callirhoe involucata

Canna Red Spike

Canna plain green w/small red flowers

Castor Beans Carmencita

Chrysopsis marilandica

Coreopsis tripteris

Cryptotaenia japonica atropurpurea (weedy)

Dianthus Bath's Pink

Digitalis lutea

Echinops ritro

Euphorbia marginata

Eupatorium coelestinum

Geranium pyreniacum var. alba

Hieracium maculatum Chocolte Dip (weedy)

Hibiscus moscheutos white w/red eye

Hosta Bright Lights

Hosta Tiny Tears

Ipomoea purpurea "Flaked" (trade is 5 seeds)

Ipomoea hederacea

Iris, water white w/burgundy markings (weedy)

Iris Ceaser's Brother

Iris tectorum

Lavendula angustifolia

Lobelia siphilitica purple

Lobelia siphilitica White Candles

Malva Bibor Felho

Malva Zebrina

Myrrhis odorata

Nigella Miss Jeckyl

Oenothera glazioviana Tina James

Penstemon smallii Violet Dusk

Penstemon Husker Red

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sulvantii

Scrophularia marilandica

Salvia virgata

Salvia farinacea

Teucrium hyrcanicum

Verbascum phoenicium white

Verbascum phoenicium Rosetta

Zea mays japonica (trade is 10 seeds)

I also have these fresh, ephemeral seeds that need homes:

Anemone japonica Pamina

Thalictrum dasycarpus

Thalictrum flavum ssp. glaucus

Thalictrum pubescens

Thalictrum rochbruniacum

Here's how this works: Leave a message here or send me an email to get my address. I'll need

you to send a bubble mailer, postage, and a list of seeds you want. I will send up to a dozen

packs, but send a longer wish list because I will be filling envelopes in the order in

which they were received. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! I will update the list as best I can

and hopefully add more items as I run across them.

I really don't want to do a lot of trading this year so I'm hoping this will keep my busy for

the next few weeks. Thanks for looking!


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