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Can 5-1-1 Mix and Self-Watering Systems Mix?

11 years ago

I just repotted several African Violets in 5-1-1 mix. They were originally in soil with a lot of fertilizer salts, not from fertilizing too much (hardly fertilized) but from what I think is poor aeration being wick-watered and soil that wasn't quite light enough.

So I put several unhappy plants and happy babies that were extra copies in 5-1-1- mix, but I'm not sure if I should use dolomite lime if the previous mix was already too alkaline? Or does that matter?

Should I add any vinegar or PH down to my tap water when I water? It has a PH of 9.

My other question is whether I should even be trying the 5-1-1- mix because I'm using self-watering systems...can they work well together? If so, would capillary matting or wick watering be better?

Okay and last question! I put some of the AVs in the 5-1-1 mix in a domed tray, and the bark grew a bunch of mold!

The babies seem fine with the mold, but I took them out of the dome just in case. Is the mold safe or bad? The soil is not sopping wet by any account, it's just moist.

I got the Repti-bark small bag, not pre-heated, just extra info in case that helps.

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