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Top 15 Seeds You're Still Trying to Find

15 years ago

Time to start the annual Top 15 seeds list for this year.

Why 15? Well, we all have more than 5 or 10 that are on the top of the list. 15 gives a longer list and better chance of finding at least a few of them.

Besides, it's too hard to pick just 5 or 10 and it's easier to pick 15.

So here goes with mine and let's see if we can help each other out.


1. Aquilegia firecracker

2. Aquilegia x coltorun danish flag

3. Aster purple burst

4. california poppy jelly bean

5. cosmos lemon twist

6. Hardy iceplant cooperi

7. livingston daisy

8. marigold scarlet star

9. mimulus monkey magic

  1. Persian catmint Nepeta mussinii
  2. sweet pea sweetheart mix
  3. schizanthus angel wings or any schizanthus
  4. toadflax flamenco
  5. tommasini youa and me
  6. torenia lemon drop

OK, whose next to add their list?


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