4 oclock: fuchsia
African Violet: Fantasy Hybrid, Fantasy Teacup, Fantasy Trailer
abutillon: pink or yellow
ageratum: Blue Blazer, Blue Mink, hardy lavender
allium: schubertii
alyssum: Carpet of Snow, Oriental Nights, Violet Queen, or Aphrodite mix
Amaranth: Pony Tails or Red Tower
angel trumpet, white
asclepias: Cinderella
aster: Crego, Daylight Rose Frost, Daylight Blue Frost or Pinocchio mix
astilbe: amethyst, lilac or burgundy
aubrieta: Whitewall Gem (purple)
baby's breath: white, pink, Covent Garden
bachelor button: Jubilee Gem purple, Blue boy, tall blend, heirloom, Button Blue, Sweet Sultan or Cyanus Double
bacopa, pink
balloon flower: tall white, short purple or Sentimental Blue
balsam bush double mix
begonia: Summer Rainbow
bells of Ireland
bidens Golden Goddess
bishops flower Âwhite lace improved
black eyed susan: Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia maxima, -Goldstrum
blackberry lily
bluebells  wild
boltonia: pink or white
camassia quamash
candytuft: white or dwarf fairy mix
canterbury bells
cardinal vine
castor bean: regular, pink, or Carmecita
catÂs claw vine
catchfly: None so Pretty
celosia: crested bright pink, crested magenta, Forest Fire red, Kimono, Wine Sparkler, Pink Castle or Exceeding Expectations
clematis: Jackmanii or Carnaby
cleome: white, Rose Queen, Violet Queen, or Cherry Queen
columbine: dk violet, maroon, red/purple, native, Harlequin mix, McKana mix, McKana Giant mix, Nora Barlow, Winky purple & white, Cherry Frill, small amount of Black Barlow or Rose Barlow
coneflower purple- echinacea purpurea; triloba
convovulus Enchantment mix
coral bells  purple palace
coreopsis: Moonbeam, Sweet Dreams, Mahogany Midget, Rosea, Double Sunset, Bouquet Magic or lance-leaf
corn cockle ÂAgrostemma githago
cosmos: Seashell, Picotee, Daydream or Sensation
cromosmia - Lucifer
dahlia: Mignon Silver or Unwin mix
daisy black eye susan single mix
daisy: Zulu Prince
daisy gloriosa sonora Rudbeckia hirta
daylily: Autumn Red, Border Beauty, Condilla, Cranberry Baby, Disneyland, Fanciful Candy, Janice Brown, Kanapha, Lady Pharoh, Lavender Tonic, Lexington Avenue, Lord Camden, Mariska, Nob Hill, PandoraÂs Box (3 seeds), Paper Butterfly, Pardon Me, Peach Parfait, Prairie Blue Eyes, Siloam Ethel Smith, So Lovely, Soverign Queen, Stella d'Oro, Sugar Candy
daylily: my own hybrids: 5B Â 30" ruffled peach with key lime throat
5C Â 32" deep rose pink with chartruse throat
5E Â 22" pink, with yellow throat
5G Â 26" dark pink with lime throat
5I Â 30" ruffled pink
VickyÂs Velvet Red
Delphinium: Blue Magic, Magic Fountain,Summer Skies
Dianthus: Rainbow Lovliness, Gaiety, Flashing Lights, French Frills, Telstar Pink Picotee or Village Pinks
downy skullcap
Eupatorium coelestinum: hardy ageratum (perennial, blooms late summer thru fall)
False blue indigo (Baptisia australis)
forget me not Mystery Rose pink Cynoglossum
foxglove: purple, white, Rusty, Champagne Pink, Camelot Rose, Silver Fox or Foxy
foxglove native white
gaillardia: burgundy
gay feather: purple, white, or spike purple (liatris)
gazania: Dynastar Cranberry sorbet, Treasure Mix or Kiss Mix
Gentiana macrophylla
godetia Farewell to Spring
gomphrena, white
Helichrysum Âtall double mix
heliotrope, Fragrant Delight or Marine
Hibiscus: pink, white, or yellow
hollyhock: crème de cassis, single dark pink, Fordhook Giant mix, Chaters dble mix, Queeny Mix, Summer Carnival, or ast mix
immortelle double
iris: woods, Siberian or SnakeÂs Head
Joe Pye weed -Eupatorium (also Chocolate Joe Pye)
Kale: flowering
larkspur: American Flag or Shades of Blue
lavatara  beauty mix
Leucanthemum marcone
lily: turkÂs cap or pink calla
lisianthus: echo pink, echo blue, laguna deep rose, or echo white
lobelia: Crystal Palace or Riviera blue splash
love in a mist Âmixed colors
lupine: Dwarf mix, purple/white, or Russell
lychnis  Diamonds & Rubies
marigold: Bonanza Blend, French dwarf, Gem mix, Grand Prix mix, Lemon Drop, Naughty Marietta, Pacific Beauty, Royal hybrid, Spry Boy, Sunset Giants, Crackerjack, Dwarf orange, Orange Boy, Snowdrift, Dwarf Tiger Eyes; or nematocidal
meadow rue, pink
money plant
monkey flower: Twinkle red, Blotch mix or wild alaska
morning glory: Blue Star, Chocolate, Grandpa Otts, Scarlet OÂHara, Heavenly Blue, Zeeland, Split Personality, or Black Kinola
Mo glo mixes: Milky Way/Star of Yalta/Flying Saucer mix; Milky Way/Grandpa Otts mix,
musk mallow
Trades only. check my list for my wants and other available seeds.
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