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In support of 'anti-perimeteritis' what?

15 years ago

Hello to all (and thank you for sharing your knowledge, eye and opinions over these past years);

I have read critiques in this forum from time to time regarding the pathetic dearth of posts about "the technical and aesthetic issues issues involved in landscape and garden design".

Okay. So here's the technical/aesthetic question. If I agree with (Ironbelly's?) concept that we (novice gardeners) all too frequently plant around the perimeter of our property, our homes and our trees (an astoundingly common and poor look), how is one to fight the beast in practice?

Certainly, if one has a home which has a symmetrical doorway and/or an ingress/egress which suggests a long focal point on the property, things are easier. Ditto if one has a square lot and/or the house is square on the property.

If none of these, what is the starting point of the design? And this question involves what is next after clearly marking the entrance to a house, reducing over-sized shrubs by that entrance and walks which are ideally 4 feet wide.

Hoping for a discussion,



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