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What do I need to do to my clay soil before I plant tomatoes?

12 years ago

I want to plant a small garden 12'x 3' with mostly tomatoes and peppers, what can I do to make them thrive? I'm not afraid of digging and hauling away some clay, and adding stuff to it to make it better.

Please help! I've been reading for 3 days, and have taken pain relievers all 3 days cuz of It seems as if the more I read, the more confused I get.

Soil Description:

Clay soil,(color gray and taupe mixed together)

DRY-hard like cement. If you hit it with a shovel, it sounds like you hit a rock.

WET- kind of reminds me of play dough, and if you walk on it, you will start to sink a little, and you will lose your

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