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Balanced Watering - Can't figure out the balance...

11 years ago

I have seen articles and books discussing watering container plants where generally it is mentioned that you might require daily or even twice a day watering if you live in a hot climate and the way they generally tell us to check is to feel the moisture 1-2 inch down the surface of the soil.

Being in Saudi Arabia, the temperatures do get above 95 and sometimes touching 100-102. However, I generally shade my plants with a 50% cloth after 10am.

I have noted that by sticking my finger upto the second knuckle, I generally find it somewhat moist the next day - and at times I skip watering the next morning following the rule prescribed by conventional wisdom. Quite a few times it has happened that when I have skipped watering the next morning, the soil becomes too dry by 10-11 am when the temperature have shot up > 95 - dry to the extent that the surface soil becomes so light that it could be blown away by light breeze. Therefore I feel I should water each day in the morning irrespective of the fact whether I feel it is moist down upto the 2nd knuckle or not. But then I fear over watering? In a fix over here. Can someone help me over this.

I am also a bit conscious about my soil and containers. Again as prescribed by the rule of watering to water until the water is seen draining out of the drainage holes. I do that and the water does start draining out in 10-15 seconds. However, the drainage stops only after 1-2 hours. Is that something to worry about?

Am I over watering?

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