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WANTED: Cacti hardy in zone 6

11 years ago

I'm looking for perennial cacti and succulents that are hardy in Pennsylvania, zone 6. One type is the prickly pear cactus. Let me know if you would be interested in a trade, I'd really appreciate it.

I have:

Aloe Vera
Christmas cactus-dark pink
Citrosa-citronella geranium
Delosperma sutherlandii-ice plant-starburst
Geranium-red flowers
Hosta-? Green leaves with white around edges
Kalanchoe tubiflora -maternity plant
Lambs ear
Mother of thousands
Pachyphytum Oviferum-moonstones succulent
Portulaca grandiflora -moss rose
Portulacaria afra "variegata"
Sansevieria trifasciata -birds nest snake plant
Sedum herbstfreude Autumn joy
Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' - golden japanese
Senecio radicals glauca -string of bananas
Tricolor Sedum spurium

I have more i need to update my list though!

This post was edited by chel12vuk on Mon, Sep 23, 13 at 6:22

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