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WANTED: Succulents!

11 years ago

I have become addicted to succulents and would really like to expand what I have. I really like making terrariums and different things with them. So if you have any succulents that i don't have I would absolutely love to trade with you or send postage.

Here are my full haves and wants lists (not just the succulents):

Aloe Vera
Aloe Zanzibarica
Christmas cactus-dark pink
Delosperma sutherlandii-ice plant-starburst
Geranium-red flowers
Hosta-'So sweet'
Kalanchoe Delagoenis -maternity plant
Lambs ear
Mother of thousands
Pachyphytum Oviferum-moonstones succulent
Scented geranium- citronella
Sedum herbstfreude Autumn joy
Senecio radicals glauca -string of bananas
Tricolor Sedum spurium

*******Any succulents I don't have********
Any Aloes I don't have
Any Cacti I don't have
Aeonium sunburst
African violets
Aloe 'Doran Black'
Aloe greatheadii
Aloe Maculata
Aptenia cordifolia
Begonia 'Kit Kat'
Candy corn vine
Echeveria geranium - hens and chicks, colorful ones
Echeveria Gibiflora -blue wave
Faucaria tigrina Tiger Jaws Purple edge
Fuchsia 'Firecracker
Gasteria batesiana
Goodyera oblongifolia
Haworthia attenuata cv. WIDE ZEBRA
Hieracium maculatum 'Leopard'
Ice plant
Ledebouria socialis Scilla leopard lily
Mother of thousands-pink one
Neorealia-tiger, Hanibal lecter, jill
Orbea variegata-African succulent (stinky toad flower)
Orchid-Colm. Wildcat 'leopard', tiger monkey
Orthophytum Gerkianna
Saxifraga Stolonifera Mother-of-Thousands Creeping Saxifrage
Scented Geraniums, especially strawberry
Sedum Adolpho - golden sedum
Sedum album 'Nigra'
String of hearts
Toad lily
Tradescantia albiflora, Tradescantia fluminensis- inch plant, wandering jew
Weeping Willow cuttings
Zebra plant

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