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Screen Sizes for Al's Gritty Mix

Hello, I am new gardening & this forum.

I've done many hours of research over the last few weeks to learn about Al's Gritty Mix, but didn't find all the information consolidated or definitive for screening.

I wanted to start a clean thread to discuss the sieve/screen sizes for every material in the gritty mix (1:1:1).

Based on my research, here is my conclusion. Can you let me know if this is correct?

Material & Screen Size
1. TURFACE MVP 1/8" or 1/16"
2. GRANITE 1/8" or 1/4"
3. BARK 1/4"

Turface Details
> Sift through 1/16" insect screen and keep what is left on TOP
(I've read you can also use a 1/8" sieve, but layering the 1/16" will help minimize waste.)

Granite Details
> For Gran-I-Grit No. 2 (3/16"): Sift through 1/8" and keep what is left on TOP; rinse to remove dust
> For A-1 Grit No. 5 (1/4"): Sift through 1/4" and keep what is left on BOTTOM (top will exceed 0.25" in size); rinse to remove dust
> For A-1 Grit No. 10 (1/8"): Sift through 1/8" and keep what is left on TOP; rinse to remove dust

Bark Details
> For Pine/Fir/Reptile Bark: Sift through 1/4" sieve and keep what is left on TOP; soak in water prior to use

Thank you.

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