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HAVE: These rooted plants

16 years ago

Artemesia 'Lime Light'

Ficus pumila, Ficus repens Creeping Fig Green

Vinca major-Greater Periwinkle 'Variegata' 'Firepower'

Agave Blue Jazz

Aristolochia fimbriata White Veined Hardy Dutchman's Pipe

Begonia ÂBeef Steak erythrophylla

Begonia ÂPassing StormÂ

Scadoxus Multiflorus (Haemanthus grandiflorum) Blood Lily

Nandina domestica 'Firepower'

Aptenia cordifolia Heartleaf Ice Plant'Red Apple'and Yellow

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana Mother of Thousands

Kalanchoe "Gastonis Bonnieri"- Donkey Ears plant

Ruellia brittoniana Mexican petunias ÂMexican BluebellÂ, White Katie,ÂPink KatieÂ, 'Baby Katie'

Ruellia squarrosa Creeping ruellia 'Blue Shade'

Tradescantia PURPLE PLUSH

Ipomoea indica Morning Glory, Blue Dawn Flower

Lonicera sempervirens (Coral Honeysuckle)

Thunbergia grandiflora (blue sky vine)

Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Angyo' Tri Color Jasmine

Hedychium coronarium x coccineum 'Dr. Moy'

Beaucarnea recurvata Pony Tail Palm

Cycas revolute Sago Palm

Cyperus alternifolius Umbrella Palm

I'm interested in multi plant trades. It's not worth it to me to trade one small plant. I like to trade Ginger for ginger and vine for vine but have no set rules. I'm looking for plants I don't have and things on my wish list.


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