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Have Heirloom and Organic Tomato Plants


I have some leftover tomato plant that I would love to trade for the following:

golden, black or purple raspberries

June and ever-bearing strawberries varieties,

mushrooms starters,

fig cuttings,

northstar sour cherry,

tomato Kosovo and Crnkovic Yugoslavian

I am also open for something else to trade for, so go ahead and let me know what you have.

These are tomato varieties that I have for trade:

Old Greman, organic

Gardener's Delight, organic



Stupice, organic

Black from Tula, organic

Hirloom Mix, organic and heirloom

Large Red Cherry

White Currant

Warren's Yellow Cherry

Heirloom mix could be any of following varieties:Brandywine Red, Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, Old German, and Sun Marzano.

I will try include pictures of the plants. However, I have never done it here before. You can always ask me to attach the picture to e-mail if you want to.


Have a successful gardening season.
