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Two Redwood Questions

17 years ago

I have a backyard that is about 100 feet by 45 feet. On the ride side (back right) is were IÂm parking the boat and small trailer. On the left side (back left) is were I have two small metal storage sheds and keep all the yard junk. Centered in the middle of the yard is a gazebo (white Alumawood) with hot tub (redwood frame). There is a 15 x 30 feet section of synthetic lawn between the house and hot tub. Basically the entire yard is bare and covered with ¾" gravel. Landscaping this thing is an upcoming project; but right now structure is my problem. I have put redwood lattice on the back and west side of the gazebo for looks and to block some of the sun. I may also put it on the other side, just leaving the front open.

First Question: The redwood lattice is in full (hot, Arizona) sun all day. How long will this lattice last before sun rotting? Is there something I could do to it that would prolong itÂs life.

I want to do some structurally to sort of hind the shed area on the left and the boat area on the right. I thought about putting up a couple of angled redwood fence section to block direct view. Our local Home Depot sells these 8w x 5h redwood fence sections. It thought about putting up two of the sections angled about 45 degrees to the yard on each blocking the view of the mention items.

Second Question: IÂm thinking this may be two much redwood "stuff" in the area. Am I correct, or not? The alternative plan would be to just plant a few Palm trees or something.


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