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Help with landscape design and planning for nautical/beachy theme

11 years ago

First of all, let me intoruduce myself. My name is Matt, and I consider myself an experienced novice when it comes to landscaping. I have a lot of experience with doing very simple (yet large) projects, but am pretty green when it comes to laying out a plan and executing it.

I have plenty of ideas in my head, but I can't figure out how to tie everything together to make for one unified look. Additionally, I'm on a budget and really need to watch expenditures. Ideally a staged/stepped project would be perfect.

My wife and I love the beach and have created our own little beach oasis inside with plenty of blues, yellows, whites, etc., while also utilizing driftwood, lighthouses, buoys, netting,roping, etc. Outside, we're a different story. Our landscape is more rustic/natural, as designed by the previous owner of our house, and we want to make a transition to a more beachy/nautical look. Please keep in mind that we're not necessarily looking for authentic, but rather a "look" that reminds of the beach.

Now on to my dilemma. I have two sections of landscaping I would like to work on this spring/summer. The first is shown in the uploaded image. As you can see, it's pretty weak. It's not what it once looked like, but has been thinned out significantly, leaving it dull and needing a makeover. I like the shape, but I need ideas to fill in with shrubs/trees/plans/flowers. For reference, from front to back, it's roughly 20 feet long, and the widest point is about 12 feet, with the narrowest point being around 7 or 8 feet. There is a corner fence which can stay or go (was thinking of coming up with a dock piling idea to support our mailbox there, maybe). Any nautical ideas -- kind of like a Red Lobster landscape -- would be much appreciated.

Now, the second project, which is much more important and on a larger scale, includes a preformed pond -- maybe 500 gallons? -- and will sit in the corner where my garage meets my fence. The garage is roughly 15 feet wide, and the length of the space is indefinite, though I'd like to keep it to 20 feet max. I'd like the pond to sit in the corner (I think), but I also want to find a way to "hide" the sided garage. I have an old, blue, wooden rowboat I would like to use in some way/shape/form, and I'd like to create a mini "boardwalk" through the space leading up to the pond.

Is anyone willing/able to help me come up with some more concrete plans in terms of plant selection and layout? Once the weather breaks here (we're in the midst of a snow/ice storm that has left me home from work today), I'd be happy to take additional pictures of the spaces to provide more clarity.

Any help would be much, much appreciated!

Thanks, and I look forward to responses!

This post was edited by DMB21 on Mon, Mar 18, 13 at 19:23

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