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Wanted-Pipsissewa-Have Natives!

I'm looking for Chimaphila umbellata sometimes called Prince's Pine like pictured here I read it is common in the Carolinas, but less so elsewhere.

Also looking for Chimaphila maculata also known as Spotted Wintergreen (Striped Wintergreen, Spotted Pipsissewa) as shown HERE.

Please see my trade list, Natives are listed at the bottom. I also may have other things in very limited amounts that are not listed, or I may be able to locate what you are looking for either here or at a friend's.

Limited quantity items not listed include white shooting stars, (Dodecatheon-probably subsp media,) bloodroot-(small unless I can find some bigger ones elsewhere), Firepink-(I believe this one is Silene Virginica), Twin Leaf-(Jeffersonia diphylla)....possibly I can think of or find something else.

Please be sure and post here, and then feel free to email me, or I will email you. Thanks!

Sue...I'm really just looking for this or maybe other natives at this time

Here is a link that might be useful: Humble Trade List

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