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Need advice on front yard landscaping project

18 years ago


I am going on my 3rd year of gardening, so I still feel like a beginner. As usual, I think I've gotten in over my head with a project I would like to complete.

I've decided to turn our front yard (35' x 35' I think) into landscaping. My idea is to have a two-layer cedar raised bed in the middle, and then to have 4 paths coming off of that. In between the paths there will be areas that will have perennials, grasses, groudcovers, etc.

I'm confused on the next steps to take after spraying Round-Up on the grass to kill it. I previously bought professional grade landscaping fabric, but I've read posts from people that hate the stuff. I don't have time to use the newspaper method unfortunately.

What is the best way to get rid of the grass and essentially be able to use part of the area for flowers? I was going to till the entire yard, but from what I've read, that will only bring up more weeds. Would it be a complete mistake to put landscaping fabric down, and then cut "X's" in it wherever I want to put a plant?

Any advice is MUCH appreciated, as this project is stressing me out!

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