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Opinion on soil mix?

12 years ago

I need a blessing on a soil mix I've been planning for my vegetable garden. This is my first year so any advice, whether in relation to my soil or not, will be appreciated :)

I will have 3 raised beds, each L4'xW4'xH1' = 16 cu.ft =

120 gallons.

per raised bed:

1 Bail of Premier peat moss (28.5 gallons)

1.5 Bags of Black Gold Garden Compost (42.75 gallons)

3 Bags of Gardener's Gold compost (12 gallons)

3 Bags of Organic Perlite (22.5 gallons)

Total in Gallons: 106

Grand Total (3 beds): 318

Thank you in advance :)

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