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first time strawberries

15 years ago

I have never grown them before, but I want to. I have raised beds that are 8'x3.5'. I plan to rotate my crops every year, and if I don't rotate the berries too, it will mess up all my other rotations.

Here's what I am thinking. Will it work and give me decent yields?

I am thinking of growing Surecrop that is a June bearing berry. Would it work to pick them in the early summer, let them grow through the summer and then dig out the runners (for fresh plants) and transplant them into a new bed each fall. I would dispose of the "mother" plants at that time.

The information I read said to cut off the first blooms, so I assume that means I would leave the plants in the beds for two years on the first rotation, but would move them every year thereafter.

Will this work?

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