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April Garden Journal

19 years ago

Hi all!

Well it is 70 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. It snowed rather heavily yesterday, though. Just came in from the garden where I picked about 10 lbs of the biggest, juiciest tomatoes ever!

The leeks are the size of baseball bats and I have WAY too many muskmelons for our consumption so I just set them out on the curb with a sign that said "FREE, help yourself".

Bell peppers are twice the size as last years. We'll be having them stuffed for supper. Am planning on an afternoon of pickling cukes and canning salsa, Yumm!

The grape crop is exceptional this season, we are making wine tomorrow.I've picked about 22 artichokes from my 2 plants- first year too!

I won Gardener of the Year award last night at our town hall meeting. I'll post pics of my trophy later...

I know your gardens must be doing just as well... Anyone else SICK of those cherry tomatoes?? Darn things just won't stop....

Anybody buying any of this?



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