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Overwintering Juniper

treebarb Z5 Denver
14 years ago

I live near Denver. I got a Juniper Bonsai last fall from an Asian lady who set up a weekend shop in a parking lot. I then proceeded to overwinter it inside. It has survived my mistreatment and has spent this summer outside in it's pot, placed in an east facing flower bed. The Juniper is 11" tall and 12" wide, in a 4 1/2 by 6" pot with 2 drainage holes. I didn't measure it last fall, but would estimate it's grown an inch up and out in the last year. Now that we are having night temps in the upper 20's and low 30's I'm wondering if I should unpot it and plant it in the flower bed, or if I should dig a hole the size of the pot and bury the pot for the winter. I'm worried about the pot cracking. We are very dry for the most part, but get dumping blizzards and horrific winds occasionally and I worry about the pot filling up with melting snow, then freezing. I've considered putting it in the garage but it would get no light at all. What would you do with it this winter?

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