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Blending Chair rail tile in shower.....

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago
Is it possible to blend chair rail in shower (a simple boarder between the two types of tile (60/40) to 'T' with the pencil boarder that frames the shower. I am not seeing any examples of this transition. I am directing my contractor and he is convincing me (with sincerity) to go with pencil in the shower too because he won't be able to join the two up seamlessly. I am afraid that it will look like a tic-tac-toe board when you stand back. An obvious solution would be pencil trim with a glass 2 inch. boarder or such, but I am totally against those boarders and am afraid that they are going to look so '2012'. But you may tell me the chair rail is will be outdated too! PS - Disregard the color of the pencil trim.... it will match be color of the chair rail on the pic. THANKS!

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