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silver, white or black?

12 years ago
i LOVE LOVE LOVE Black and White seperately as colors (i call this the 'White Is Right' school of design).

I think i made a mistake of pairing my silver modern base glass table w black chairs though, as nothing else is black around the area. I spray painted the bar stools black to try to help this. BUT now i need a chandelier and im stuck.

I dont want something obtrusive, as you can see we are lucky enough to have a grt water view!

Our style is mostly modern w/ eclectic. The LR= WHITE with kelly green couches, kitchen = light wood cabs, brown and black granite, and a large SS fridge. Help!

(i found some i liked, vote on those or suggest away!) thnaks to all!
Silver leaf, modernish design (bit pricey)
Mirrors table elements
Has Black
Lotsa Black!

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