Hi. Would you know who makes the vanity? Thanks.
10 years ago
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- 10 years ago
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Anyone know who makes this single port feeder?
Comments (9)I love these feeders- I had them in my deck planters all summer, and then I found them sold as a two pack at Lowe's-the set included hooks to put them in your planters (hahaha!!!). I bought them anyway b/c I haven't seen them in Walmart since I bought them a few years ago- they are THE most popular feeders with my Hummers, second to the leaky Perky Pet pinch waist feeders....See MoreDo you know who makes a bed like this?
Comments (29)Here's a queen: http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/fuo/1541211917.html Here's a king four poster: http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/fuo/1546824613.html Here's a queen: http://dallas.craigslist.org/ndf/fuo/1546868516.html Another queen: http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/fuo/1539274706.html I think if you take some time, you could find just what you are looking for if you are near a large metropolitan area like Dallas. Just do a search on Henredon bed, Drexel bed, Ethan Allen bed, Pennsylvania House bed, Thomasville bed, etc. Also search on four poster bed. That should pull up several listings without having to go through lots of junk. Good luck! Jo...See MoreDid'ja ever know anyone who would not accept agreement?
Comments (27)jemdandy, that is so similar to the behavior of someone I knew. This woman was a friend of the family's and one day my mother and I had a bit of an argument in front of her- nothing terrible- I was frustrated by what I perceived as my mother not exercising enough (I was wrong- my mother was becoming very ill and we did not know it at the time- the "laziness" was in fact physical.) At any rate, shortly after the argument the friend of the family was with me alone and she told me how right I was to take my mother to task for not doing what she should. So a few days later, I am back to haranguing my poor mother and I tell her, you know even so and so says I am absolutely right in being upset with you about this. Well, wouldn't you know when that "friend" was with my mother , she told my mother that I had a lot of nerve to speak to my mother so disrespectfully, who did I think I was! My mother and I then realized that the friend of ours was doing this exact same thing but within her very own family- between her children and her husband no less. I am not sure if she sought entertainment or power or what by sowing this kind of dissension....See MoreWho do you know who's had a CABG?
Comments (23)Your husband is a very good man for wanting to be there for his friend!!! Your husband will be a good distraction right before because it's real scary. His friend might not want anyone there the first day or two after the surgery while in the hospital. Everyone is different but my husband went into full panic mode after waking up to pain and tubes everywhere. He had to be restrained. He didn't really want anyone seeing him like that. One thing I wasn't prepared for and didn't read much about was the overwhelming emotional side of it all post op...once he got out. If I didn't know he loved me before I sure knew after. He was very weepy and thankful for me...cried a lot and was briefly even clingy. This was very much out of character to his proper English self. However, after an over six hour operation I guess maybe it's normal (?) They are glad to be alive, glad the worse is over and coming down from a lot of drugs. I personally wouldn't stay more than two days once the friend gets home. If asked maybe your husband could stay longer....See More- 10 years ago
- 10 years ago
- 10 years ago
- 10 years ago
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