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Mixing wicker with traditional

10 years ago
I have always wanted wicker furniture. So when I saw an 8 piece grouping at a consignment shop for 250.00, I jumped at the chance. Never mind that many of the pieces needed repair to the wicker:) I went online and found a distributor of rattan or reed (I'm still not sure what it's made of). It was a challenge for me at first to create a system for wrapping the reed and gluing/stapling where needed. I was so proud when I finished the last piece. My husband then spray painted all of the pieces with a good semi-gloss paint. The results were more than I expected.

Now I have a few pieces in the sun room and my husband informs me that he really doesn't like wicker, but will not complain as long as we keep the two wing chairs (which I will have recovered).

My design questions are: 1) How do I coordinate the fabric to be used on the wing chairs with new cushions I will need for wicker chairs? 2) Does the wicker work with the metal table and chairs on the opposite side of the room? 3) How is the flow from sun room to dining area?

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Brenda M. Miller Designer of Interior Spaces
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