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Michele likes 3 comments on a discussion: Displaying objects in small home
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Lia, that will be a lovely vacay while honoring your dear friend.

Michele, that is a beautiful tree!

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Yep, agree that's a really good plan, lia. Sometimes I have to push myself to attend something but I'm always glad afterwards that I did it.

Here's something cute spotted online in a post by "Dull Men's Club" for all the feline friendly folks out there...

"Just spent a half an hour looking everywhere in my house for my cat. I thought she snuck out on me but no, she sat there the whole time and watched me look for her. Oh my gosh, they can be a pain in the butt, but gotta love them".

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LOL that is true they can like they're sitting there laughing and watching you look they find it fascinating that they're in canito and you don't even notice them cuz they right by something of their color that you don't know this them

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