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Trish Walter commented on a discussion: June 2020 Building a Home
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Trish Walter

@Alicia no worries. It's Hurst Hardwoods Engineered French Oak 1/2" in Riverstone. Great to work with. $4.99/sf but they often have sales [which I used] 10% off...

2/3 are 73" and 1/3 are 3 different short boards. 7.5" wide.

I struggled with the decision...literally looked at sooooo's hard.

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Buzz Solo in northeast MI

@TXLab Didn't want to make anyone nervous. We had the first inspection tonight, but it was the buyer's inspection, no idea when the VA sends their people. This inspector's biggest thing, AFAIK is the deck railings not being to code. He said the VA will not approve a loan till that is fixed. With a wrap around deck, that's not going to fun or cheap. Guess we just wait for his report and the VA to show up.

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July 2020 thread is HERE.
