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tishtoshnm Zone 6/NM

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tishtoshnm Zone 6/NM commented on a discussion: Self Destructive Behavior
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tishtoshnm Zone 6/NM

Re: Cauliflower pizza, it often is not lower carb because although it does contain cauliflower, they often use other starchy flours to get a more palatable texture, hence the higher than expected carb count. It may have a better nutritional profile for nutrients, but if carbs are a focus, the difference from a more traditional crust is negligible.

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tishtoshnm Zone 6/NM

Lucille, y daughter is a type 1 diabetic. It was rather educational for us to watch how her blood glucose levels responded to carbs. We used to read about that the differences in carbs based on fiber, etc. She would eat beans, full of fiber, and her blood sugar would still spike. She was excited about the cauliflower crusts, thinking they would be a better option for her, since she also has celiac disease. She can eat them, but they use rice flour, or sometimes tapioca starch which negates the carb benefits. Cauliflower by itself is an excellent vegetable, but processed and turned into a crust, is not as great as it would be roasted by itself.

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lucille, in Feb, when DD moved from her rental to her first home, she had a similar fb experience with an outdoor sofa. It sounded so aggravating, so she got plenty of mom sympathy, as do you!

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Sorry if this is yucking anybody's yum, but I just don't see the point of cauliflower pizza crust - or any of the other cauliflower subs that have become so popular. All I can think of is the gas they must induce, not to mention the taste.

(And I do like cauliflower - as cauliflower, not pretending to be something else.)
