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taddpeake commented on a discussion: I can't be trusted with plants, please help!
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I feel your pain, and most of my houseplants eventually do, too.

This method has eventually worked for me:

1. Go to a good nursery and describe the precise environment in the exact place you want to grow a plant. Include the neglectful care thing.

2. Try one good sized plant (tiny ones fail too fast) and see how it does.

3. If that one doesn't do pretty well, give it to a neighbor and ask the nursery which plant you should try next.

An old schefflera and grape ivy have survived in my living room beside a north facing patio window for TEN WHOLE YEARS. Other easy-to-keep plants in the same place withered no matter what I did.

I empty a water glass at them when I think about it.

If they actually start to wilt, I'll give them a thorough watering. Maybe they like to be a little dry?

They both grow so well that every year I have to cut them back a lot.

Keep trying and you'll find a plant that suits your house and your "care" style.
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Lainie D'Eon

Neglect for plants does not only regard watering practices but also ... selecting the ideal light exposure, fertilizing schedule & checking for pests.

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Most Bonsai make horrible house plants.
