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Rs S

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Rs S likes a comment on a discussion: Two dishwashers side by side - crazy or genius?
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I find it sad that people on here have to “brag” that they only run the dishwasher every other day or twice a week. Stop telling people what you can afford and imply that anything over your budget is wasteful. I suggested two dishwashers to my daughter when they were building in 2004. My son-in-law thought it was a waste until the first week they were in their house. My daughter loves, loves to cook and bake and they have a system for using both dishwashers. For the record, I only had room for one dishwasher and sometimes run ours twice a day. My husband loves to find new recipes-and it seems they require every dish, pot, pan in our kitchen! We both wish we had space for a second one. To the OP-sink in the middle of the two dishwashers and the trash to the left of the left one. Enjoy!

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