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Skip1909 commented on a discussion: Bringing Nature Home
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Wow, you do have a lot of room Jay. Your ability to identify all the plants at such an early stage is impressive. I'm having a little trouble with that at the moment with the random stuff popping up. I let my daughter pick out some plants at Bowman Hill, she obviously picked what was in flower which was Phlox divaricata, Polemonium reptans, and Tiarella cordifolia. I grabbed an Anemone virginiana too since I haven't been able to successfully start them from seed and keep them alive. I germinated a bunch of them 2 years ago but then didn't pay attention to watering and taking care of them. The Tiarella is new to my yard too, the pot dried out for like an hour and it looked dead but I planted it and watered it and it came back. It's already looking like something that is not going to survive any dry spells but maybe once it's rooted in it will be more resilient.

I still have tons of Zizia.

Here's the Viburnum prunifolium I mentioned earlier

