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olldroo likes a comment on a discussion: "need to design space under the staircase"
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ruthmand - please take a step backwards and look at the issues here, there are many people on this website because they enjoy building and home renovations and decor, love the opportunity to help others and do so willingly, particularly when this is such a multicultural site, as you say it does make it more fun and interesting. It is quite easy to pick those whose first language is not English and most people do make allowances for that and go the extra mile to help such people. Mr. Kutch, is one such professional of excellent calibre who has willingly given a lot of his valuable time to help people and is a very valued member of this forum.

Unfortunately, of late, many posters have come here almost expecting "miracles", expecting everyone else to do things for them without any input of their own giving no relevant information and basically doing nothing to help others to help them. This is becoming very frustrating for those wishing to help. When there are over 1 million photos here of ideas it is only natural to expect people to sift through relevant photos and if they still have a quandry then post but also give as many details as possible. If people are not going to put some effort into helping themselves first then the fun of helping people is wearing thin fast - in other words tolerence levels ARE becoming very low. This is not a free design service.

I note you, yourself, recommended the poster check Houzz for photos, it isn't that hard, but it does show some effort from the poster and that is all everyone is asking.
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olldroo commented on a discussion: Need Advice for Improving Curb Appeal
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Love your house, from what I can see of it, I wouldn't change a thing. I love the closed look it has to the street, makes it mysterious and has one wanting to see more.
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very nice! thanks for sharing

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2014 thread

olldroo commented on a discussion: Outside window garden.
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Hahahaha - I like the old room - old anything is me at the moment. I found a website the other day that was all spell check bloopers, it was quite funny. Roo does fine, everyone else uses that. I think add in just plain old burnt out applies too. My mother never held a job after her marriage, did nothing for me when I was a kid, in those days people rarely had cars to run around in and lived to be 92 so there might be hope for me, but boy the running around I did with my joeys - I think back now and that just had to be another person.

I get lost with the cake tin thread, just can't keep up. Haven't heard of those products but I have used Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy a fair bit. The jelly pastilles help a lot during the day with panic attacks.

Right now we are all trialling coconut oil/milk/water. Seems it is the latest craze and pros are speaking highly of it. I stared on the water last week as the oil isn't easy to buy, I definitely did feel better after drinking it but only time will tell.
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It is hard to know when you are in a strange place and on holiday, but I am reading and hearing more and more about its healing properties plus it is supposed to boost energy levels. I love nothing more than walking on the sand, especially when my feet are tired and sore.

Studio - what are you talking about??

Angela - either your spell check has gone beserk or you need to get to bed. Glad I'm not the only one who can't follow things.
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Karemore, here barefoot is the norm, especially through our long hot summers. I put shoes on to garden, mainly because of spiders and my horror of grubs and worms, and if I go outside at night but otherwise it is barefoot all day at home - I think we can shoot that theory down, sorry.

Studio, I just finished my daily glass of coconut water - not quite as attractive as yours but still tasted good. I believe with this sort of thing you do have to test brands - they can vary tremendously. I must have got lucky the only brand my supermarket has is really nice.
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Curt D'Onofrio
Peanut butter cups are the bomb. We are USA Atlantic time. Specifically, Connecticut USA. By the way, connecticut workers pay high in taxes. Why did i mention that ? Can i get a smypathy card ?
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You're eating peanut butter cups. What more soothing thing do you need for your achy tax wallet? Yes tis a high rate tax state but you have great schools, good roads and high rate of graduation etc so my sisters nephew says. He loves it there. My sister loved the little time she visited. I couldnt take the cold. Southern girl to the bone. Through and through. Pictures are always gorgeous. Get some sleep. My pillow will be heavenly. Nighit!.
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olldroo commented on a discussion: Industrial look. Yes or no?
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Sorry too cold for me and too many places for dust to collect.
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J Williams

a lot of the times this style is just ripped off from artists who repurposed things found in urban areas due to necessity/utility, some of the replicas I’ve seen for sale were things we used to find in back laneways and on abandoned industrial sites, people who coveted the look were basically a major force that caused artists to lose working spaces, then the new owners would go to the Brick to furnish their condo with faux “loft” decor

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Andrea dionisio


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