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Mystical Manns

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Mystical Manns likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/15/24
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Mystical Manns commented on a discussion: They brought back the Sound of Music!
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Mystical Manns

Thanks for the update, LOVE the Sound of Music! I can sing along with every single song. LOL

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That's available free on the streaming platforms Tubi, FreeVee, Plex, and Peacock Kids, Donna - I love it too 🙂

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Back in my artistic roller skating days I was cast as a roller skating nun and villager in the production of SOM we did for a Gold Skate Classic. Hundreds of hand sewn spangles is what I still remember. Our habit reversed to villager and back again. We had to switch them in the dark and had less than two minutes to do so. Getting those wimples and veils on was an experience. Thank goodness for the costume makers making them in one piece. Fun times. Coach was going through a Disney phase. We did Cinderella the following year I believe.

Mystical Manns likes a comment on a discussion: Eclipse- Eyes feel weird
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From our backyard.

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Mystical Manns likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 3/29/24
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