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Cee Bee

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Cee Bee likes a comment on a discussion: Is it a neurosis about open kitchens too open?
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We are designing a new with an open floor plan that is completely based on when our children and grandchildren come to visit. We do not want to be in the kitchen secluded from the family. Our time together is so precious and limited. I want those little babies to run squealing thru the house and grabbing food from the countertop as they pass by.

Like another poster, we have most of the kitchen cleaned up before guests arrive. Besides, I could be like my mother when guests arrived unannounced - throw the dirty dishes in the oven (that was BD - before dishwashers).

Allison0704 - Your kitchen is an inspiration to me in designing the kitchen for our new home.

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I have to second the sentiments of Live Wire Oak. I rarely use the space to the left of my range because I work primarily between my sink and range and the sink is to the right.

My fridge is to the left of the counter space to the left of the range. The layout generally works very well for me.

In the counterspace between the sink and range, I bumped out into a window so I have an extra 8" of depth for these counters and I LOVE it.

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