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Jay 6a Chicago

I learned about native spring ephemerals when I was a young kid. A neighbor was a retired school teacher and she had a native garden with all the local ephemerals. She would take me and other kids on nature field trips. I went with her to rescue plants that were going to be destroyed by developement. She only had a few native species, cimpared to everything that's out there. From her I learned about Virginia Bluebells, Bloodroit, Wild Sweet William, Dutchman's, Jack in the Pulpit and Shooting Star. It's good to encourage people growing bulbs to give spring blooming natives a try. People can spend their whole lives being uneducated about the importance of native plants. https://lopezuribelab.com/andrena-erigeniae/

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Thanks Jay. It was wonderful of your neighbor to do what she did for the kids and the plants. I grew up in an urban setting and I didn't learn any of this until I was in my twenties.

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