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junipergirl commented on a discussion: Have you ever had a laundry disaster?
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Friend used laundry detergent in my dishwasher by accident. Talk about a Brady Bunch episode. He was miserably inconsolable but I never laughed so hard in my life! The dishwasher at that time was in the laundry due to kitchen remodel.
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@snappyvulture, I found a mouse caught up in the agitator of my machine. I could smell something rrrrrrreally awful for days. All my clothes were rewashed 5 times over! Maybe your snake could have eaten my mouse instead? Hee hee
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Kerrie Chapman

Our house has a round laundry trough and the hose that empties the washing machine water feeds directly into the trough (not into the under sink plumbing). The first time we did a load the laundry, hallway and entrance into the guest bedrooms ended up flooded - the centrifugal force created by the spinning water in the round trough sent the wash water right over the top. We now keep a half brick in the bottom of the trough - not pretty but no more floods, either

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Ryan Potts

I work at night and I really have a crazy schedule. Never mind that, recently, I threw my clothes in the washer, neglecting to check the pockets for pens. Well later that made a mess in the dryer, staining the drum with ink.

I've tried my best to clean the stains out and it's but is totally clean. There e is a bit of residual left overs of ink in there. I'm testing a couple of pieces of clothes in the dryer right now.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Yay or Nay? Indoor fairy lights
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Depends! I think in kids rooms they look awesome and can help with the 'monster under the bed' fear by allowing gentle light. For a special occasion I think they look great in dining rooms, but not year round. I like them in gardens and as definition to pathways best.
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I lay a string on top of my kitchen cabinets against the wall and you can't see them at all but at night there's a beautiful golden glow above the cabinets making it feel so magical and cozy .

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Pretty for a little girl's room but not over the top with lights all around.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Tap water or bottled water?
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The cost of making 1 litre of water including the bottle is both bad economically and also a terrible burden on the earth! Our tap water is the purest in Australia and I drink a ton of water a day so much cheaper and less bacteria in it than bottled. I know CSIRO here did a research and found the levels of harmful bacteria in bottled water was incredibly high! Icky yuck!
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i filter tap water!
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Filtered tap water at home, bottles when out (but I save and reuse them). Like Bungalowmo, I freeze water in summer. Bottles of frozen water are great for beach or pool.
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Always too fussy for me. I prefer all wood floors. I guess it does depend on the house though, doesn't it?
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junipergirl commented on a discussion: Throwback Thursday: Do you like animal prints on walls?
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Gawd, no! I really do not like it. I also don't like flower prints too much either, so there you go! I prefer solid colours. Just me!
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Studio NOO Design

Yes, if done with taste and ...less is more.

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@ wuff...thanks! Now I know I am not alone in my confliction!

junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: This or that: deckchairs!
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I think most of the chairs, from my experience, cut into the back of my thighs and that is not something I find enticing. Small of my back starts to ache and I can't get up! Prefer my double seated swing chair any day over a flimsy looking deck chair of any sort shown!
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Curt D'Onofrio
We have this style. The back of ours is adjustable...sit up or laid back
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Denys & Fielding

We are potty about deckchairs! There is much more variety out than you might think - some are great for lounging, others are more upright and supportive, and therefore ideal for dining etc... There is a deckchair out there for everyone!

junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: Do you sleep with your windows open or closed?
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Now that my dog is elderly it is a case of leaving the window open a tad, no matter the season. She is my shadow and refuses to sleep anywhere else but on the floor at the foot of my bed. Gorgeous old thing but LAWDY, she stinks!
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Always closed. I'm very allergic to mold and we have lots of mold in Ohio! I would be deathly ill sleeping with open windows.

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Absolutely have to be open otherwise the room is a little smelly by the morning. Specially with the dog in there.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: Most popular outdoor spaces - Pick your fav!
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Due to being a fair skinned redhead, best if I stick to sitting out of the sun, so the Lakehouse swing is my favourite. I also enjoy the swing for the relaxation effect, too!
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Lisa M. Rogers

Sophisticated Surroundings!

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How about having one that says all the above, so it would be parts of all of them! That's what I want to see on the next poll! Infact all of the polls.

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Santa Fe Opera; Darling do take your heels off and sip some champagne!
Norton Commons; I do wonder what Kate and Wills are up to these days, must pop round.
Plan H TH; Ugh! If one more kid zooms past on their trike I am going to scream!
Plan M TH; Grandma, you right for a cup of tea or should I bring out the sherry now? Canyon Residence; Lawdy, I just don't know how I'm going to cook a meal for so many in just a few hours, AND where do I put every one? Dang fundraiser!
Mountain Home Remodel; Dammit woman! I leave the cabin for a few days and you turn it into this? Where's my tackle box, for crying out loud?
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Patricia Dowd
I voted for the only one that did not have stainless steel appliances! I HATE stainless!
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Kathryn Gomez

Not crazy about any of them. I do not understand what people see in wood cabinets. If you cook as I do and spend as much in the kitchen, you would know that in spite of the best range hood, the cabinets near you stove get very greasy and are very hard to clean, and then there all those little edges to deal with. My dream... a kitchen full of Scavolini cabinets. Smooth surfaces and a totally modern look.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: Do you prefer ONE or TWO story houses?
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Living in a split level with a one storey on top and the underneath is a pain in the proverbial. No stairs to below so we have to go outside then in the other rooms. Gah! As I get older the old knees are giving out so even when we put stairs in (hopefully soon!) I think I would rather be in a single storey. Why Americans spell it story like in a bedtime story really always makes me frown. Meh, you say tomato, I say let's make salad.
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To me, ranch is the only style id ever want. same square footage feels so much larger when its one story and not two. Easier to move between private and public areas of the home. ours spans almost our entire lot and gives a lot of space for landscaping out front, outdoor living out back. Stairs are challenging when your very old or very young! here, most have full basements not counted in the listed square footage = bonus whole other house underneath (ours is over half finished, the other part is nice but concrete floor and walls and used for utilities/laundry/storage). Of all the home types, split levels dont make sense to me

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Mars SC Zone 8b Mars

Two stories!

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Four-Poster Bed. Yes or No?
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Nah, too visually distracting for me. If I lived in a house that had larger bedrooms with higher ceilings, then maybe. I suspect it depends on the style of the house and the owner!
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that's gorgeous La Lune Collection! I like most of them and I always wanted one, but i don't think my ceiling height is appropriate for one :(
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La Lune Collection
Thanks, gracey999 - glad you like the bed. We know - these beds DO need tall ceilings!
junipergirl commented on a discussion: Grey walls. Yes or no?
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I voted No, but there are some greys I really like but I think it depends on the room and what lighting it gets. My bedroom has a pale grey with a lavender hue through it and I hate it!
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Jan McMahon Interiors

It truly depends on the light in the room. But try Accessible Beige from Sherwin Williams. It's a nice neutral that would compliment oak floors.

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Lisa Hays

I love my gray walls and white baseboards and trim. I realize that it’s not for everybody but having lived with white walls for most of my life this is just enough color and neutral enough that I can use any color I want to with decor.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: Books or TV?
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In a book you can lose yourself for hours and be IN the book. You can take a book anywhere. You can always stop reading and pick up where you left off any old time. Books have a feel and smell to them which no tv ever offered! I rarely watch tv but I always read!
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I absolutely adore reading books. Because these kind of people are more emotional.

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Etta McFadden

I love books. The feel, the scent, the time they take to read and get to the conclusion, or gain the information. The way they make me think and often terms, phrases and and everything about them. I don't get it done for me.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Re paint Storm Door?
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I have a red door and I reckon yours is much nicer than mine! Yeah, change the numbers to something just as bold and I think you are on a winner! Be brave be bold!
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Agree, looks great. I'm getting ready to paint my house and door. I did not think you can paint a storm door. I like mine for security (we get lots of door to door sellers). The twig heart is too thin in scale for the front. Agree with the others, let that one go and go with bolder, chunkier accents. I take it you used Behr primer for the storm door too?
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W3ww2333w33wwwwww 3w is 1, 1ww32

Love it! Now i know what it is I don't like about the house I'm buying (at least the outside. I'll be looking for more ideas for the inside) I have lots of ideas now!

junipergirl commented on a discussion: S T R I P E S
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Personally I think large width vertical bold deep blue and white would look great. But NOT narrower stripes! Not horizontal either that will draw the eye down the already long length and it will shorten the ceiling making it feel squishy. The wide stripes going up will give height and also narrow the length of the hall. Definitely get a runner to give some 'action' to the hall.
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Good call, and well executed - congratulations!

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Lori East
Create a gallery. Add a runner, maybe?
junipergirl commented on a discussion: This or That: Stemless VS Regular Wine Glass
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Stemmed for the look and the feel. Non stemmed if I am outdoors and don't have anything really stable to leave a nice glass on. Then again the way I accidentally smash ANY drinking glass I think I ought to just swig straight from the bottle. Hee hee.
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Judy Mishkin

stemmed. the stemless version looks like one step away from a sippy cup version of a wine glass.

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Stems, there is just something classy and elegant about a stemmed glass.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: "Trends" you can't give up!
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I don't do the trends but my sister does! Lordy, her place is all yellow and blue with those throw rugs on a sofa with the stars and moons. Remember them? She just can't let go of that one trend!
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Still stuck on shabby chic. Currently limited to my bedroom. Also love cottage and beadboard, although growing up we called it wainscoting.
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I'm very much into cottage style, even though I never considered it a trend. I started it when I was very young, and was picking up mismatched furniture from here and there, mostly curbside. I painted it all white to tie it all together, and since I love flowers, I made cushions out of floral materials. I still love that style, with the pastels and clean, white furniture.

I also still love tiled countertops. Never did get into the granite/stone countertop phase.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Accent Pillows. Chopped or Not?
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For many years the chopped look meant your filling or stuffing was wearing low and you needed to top up. It was the most horrible thing to display said cushions. Showed your terrible home keeping skills and one tried very hard not to embarrass oneself and made sure said cushions were always nice and plump. Now it is a trend? Sheeeesh!
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Teresa Zilinsky Interior Designs
I think it depends on the space as well. To me the chopped looks better on the chair you have pictured-making it more casual and not as stiff looking. But in other places fluffed looks more warm and inviting.
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I don't know who started the chop trend but I think it looks messy, like you forgot to fluff the pillows.

junipergirl commented on a discussion: Cleaning Product Substitutions?
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Due to multiple sensitivities for many years, I can't buy off the shelf cleaning products so have always used bi-carb soda in the bath/shower area and in the kitchen, scrub brush with a weak bleach mix for the dunny regularly, vinegar mix for cleaning and a damp cloth for picking up dust. Carpet spills are quickly sorted by laying a towel or paper down. Grate 1/4 bar of bathroom soap for your laundry washing. Add hair conditioner instead of fabric softener. Tons of other ideas I do! No problems ever yet. I've heard ti-tree oil is good for getting off grease from oven trays, so might give that a go. Why pay the companies who pollute the world and cause more sensitivities in humans when nature and simpler methods are available? No problems when running out of anything here! Granny in her day didn't have a supermarket to run to, so I guess I enjoy living like Granny!
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I just Googled oil pulling and found that the coconut oil has to be in the mouth for 20mins. That's a bit too much of an inconvenience. I can use my carb soda mouthwash as often as I like during the day and it's cheap.
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Barbara Gruebel
I'm looking for something to clean the grout in between my floor tiles in kitchen. The grout line is kind of wide so there are just a few spots that are very dark. Any ideas.
junipergirl commented on a discussion: POLL: Funniest Bathroom on Houzz?
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Whilst I really adore the Subway one, I think over time the old brain would go, "Oh, yeah, whatever...." but the chalkboard could bring chuckles over a very long time. Would be fun reading visitors comments. Or I could change the look by making it a 'wallpaper' of stars or flowers or whatever. I could even make my shopping list in there! Now that's gotta be fun! ;)
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Mary Creighton
My brother had this poster in his bathroom, back in the '70s. It always got comments.
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the use at your own risk sign belongs in my childhood bathroom, that place smelled
junipergirl commented on a discussion: Australians call some household things by different names
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Too many comments to read through them all! All I know is that every time I go to the US I have to change EVERYTHING about the way I speak. Tenting for camping, half/half for skim milk, tall cup of tea for large, quarter for 25 cents, gah! SADLY though our language here in the Land of Oz is losing it's Ockerism and becoming far more US based. No more rhyming slang is seen as much these days, and when I say certain things, most people look at me blankly. Like when I say, "Chuck the billy on for a cuppa" or "I'm going Shank's Pony." Dying language me thinks. (translation for those who are still confused, Putting the kettle on the heat or electricity to make a cup of something hot, and walking rather than another form of transport.)
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Stephanie Mishler

That is good to know. I really enjoy learning new cultures. Your absolutely right it can easily be misunderstood if you don’t get the full story. I find it refreshing how real the Aussie slang can be. It’s much more casual or informal than America but that’s OK, it’s real and it’s fun.The term going to the bathroom in America is very informal & generic. The “proper” thing to say is I’m going to or I need to use the restroom, or ladies room. It’s like toilet is a dirty word. We also still use WC on floor plans. I also agree that too much “Americanisms” are creeping Australian & be proud! I came here not to see American stuff, I want to see 100 % Aussie.

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I like how UK property shows use the term Utility Room. The very old places still have separate laundry (wash house) outside, most have squeezed a washer/dryer into the kitchen but the newer or bigger places have a separate Utility Room.

This seems to be a hybrid of Laundry, Mud Room or Boot Room + part Bulter's Pantry, bulk food storage or dog area too.

I think this suits Australia very well & would love to adopt the term Utility Room. It's in the Ute mate!

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