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Oakley likes 2 comments on a discussion: Patterns. So many patterns.
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No. Just no. That’s all I’ve got.

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I saw that this morning as well, and while I normally don't read the comments on IG I wanted to see if anyone was going to tell her, "you better get back to the west coast because your assistants are going to ruin your reputation." The living room pic, ummm, (long pause thinking of something nice to say.)

Oakley, thanks for brining up Janet Leigh, I nearly forgot it's Hitchcock month at the Stanford Theater and I'm going to try and make it to a few shows. Maybe I'll see that room in Psycho or The Birds.

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: Bunny, how is your leg?
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I have always had a hard time asking for help. I'm sure many of you can relate. I did reach out to folks for rides to appointments. However, I was amazed and humbled by the offers of help that just rolled in ("hi, I'm in Whole Foods, what can I get for you?"). There is no way in this life I can ever repay all the kindness extended, but I can model their acts of kindness and, once back on my feet (har har) I will be one of those driving people to appointments and doing their dishes, etc.

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Oakley commented on a discussion: “Oversized” Clothing: Yea or Nay?
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Yea. They look great with jeans. I wouldn't consider that one over sized though, just loose fitting.

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gosh, it really is cute ... but I think way too big in the shoulders. That would drive me crazy. It is also generous through the body -- that bothers me less in a sweatshirt but I think you can easily go down a size and cross fingers that the length doesn't change much. I think the length is perfect.

Oakley likes 3 comments on a discussion: No Thankyou cards
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At a minimum, you should receive a text or email acknowledgement and thank you, especially in this age where mail and packages sometimes do not reach the intended recipient.

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This insult has been worked over here a few times over the years. To not properly thank someone ANYONE for a gift is just rude. It doesn't matter what the circumstances a thank you is warranted and too many need to just get it done!! Sadly if you wait for it, you will be waiting all too long these days. I would like to blame the parents but I know better than to think people don't veer from how they were taught!

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Rather than confrontation, a little light shaming might work better, along the lines of "I sent a gift for x occasion, but never heard from you/little Murgatroyd. Perhaps it got lost in the mail?"

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: Nespresso machine?
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I'll buy one if it is delivered by George Clooney.

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Oakley likes 3 comments on a discussion: How do you give a pill to a cat?
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You put in a bit if cheese (make sure the pill is hidden) and they will gobble it right up!

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We (well…DH) use a pill popper which looks like a syringe. DH keeps cat betweens his legs, holds up head, pops in the pill, and keeps mouth closed until they swallow. Following it up immediately with something tasty might help prevent spit outs. He is much better at it and it is less traumatic for the cat. Some medications we have used have been compounded into liquid form, which is easier, but can get messy.

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Once you get the pill in their mouth run your fingers under their throat area. That will help them to swallow.

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On repeat senior year of HS and first year of college.

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I like Queen just fine but I sure don’t get why everyone is still gaga over Bohemian Rhapsody! But to answer your question, I was head over heels for Neil Diamond in HS. And a few years later then boyfriend (and still hubby after 41 years!) and I were listening to Air Supply.


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Good memory teaser 😀

I graduated in '77 - HS faves were the Beatles, CSNY, Yes, Hot Tuna, Leon Russell, ZZ Top, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, and a LOT more I can't think of right now.

I remember how we'd go to friends' houses to listen to albums, and sharing them as well, the little rituals involved in playing a record, listening to an entire album played on FM radio - anybody else?

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: All Modern Patio Furniture Quality
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bragu_DSM 5

cinder blocks and 4x4s with pillows atop. substantial as all get out.

aesthetics? well, you know.

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Oakley commented on a discussion: Gallbladder surgery - need help with diet
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I had mine out about 20 years ago. Without reading what others went through I want to prepare you for something that won't be fun. The morning after sugery I ran like crazy to the the bathroom. Our bile is affected from surgery, which causes the bad thing to happen, for a long time.

You can easily find foods online that you shouldn't eat for awhile. Diarrhea soon after eating is a common side effect months after surgery, no matter what you eat.

I finally told my doctor it was embarrassing because I can't go out to eat, or eat at someone else's house. He said take Imodium AD an hour before eating & then you'll do a lot better. It worked. About a year later I was back to my normal self, thank goodness.

Good luck!

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In the process of having a scan for what turned out to be a pinched nerve I found out I have gallstones. This post has been helpful in learning that my fear of chronic diarrhea after gallbladder removal hasn't been an issue. Thanks sushipup2 for this post and hope your surgery goes smoothly.

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In regard to weight loss and gallbladder issues per Johns Hopkins: " As the body metabolizes fat during rapid weight loss, it causes the liver to secrete extra cholesterol into bile, which can cause gallstones."

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: In desperate need for a new organizing purse
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Oakley, check out Hedgren brand bags too. Similar to Baggalini.

I went to our closest mall yesterday and was very disappointed by what was available in stores like Nordstrom and Macys. Just not much to choose from in person! I was looking for a few cute tops and left empty handed.

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: Leaving something for house buyers?
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The sellers of my house left us a surprise $15K HOA fine they managed to keep off the estoppel somehow that we had to fight when we moved in. Does that count ?!

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Oakley likes a comment on a discussion: A good way to pare down/organize physical photos?
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Tina Marie

As we have no children to pass photos on to, it's a fairly easy job for us. I have a few photo albums of specific events, travels, etc. I also have an album of childhood pictures of my husband, and one of childhood family photos for me. Other photos are stored in photo boxes; but as I know they won't be going further than us; I cull those that aren't meaningful to us. Funny about this topic as my husband's aunt passed away recently. He, his brother and their cousins grew up living near each other for most of their childhood. Over the years my husband and I have maintained close relationships with his aunt/uncle, their two daughters and now grandchildren and one set of great grands (twins!). Earlier this week we were at their house and one of the daughters pulled out old photo albums. It was such fun going through them and oh, the memories!

I don't care how lovely the Eiffel Tower looked that day, or the Grand Canyon, without a person you know or can relate to, it's just a generic photo of the Eiffel Tower and Grand Canyon. I have to disagree with this. We enjoy our trips. Sometimes we take lots of pix, other times, not many at all. However, we enjoy going back through our travel pix and remembering spots we've been, things we've seen, etc. No person needed. It's not generic to me, it's a memory.

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Oakley commented on a discussion: Maybe Not the Perfect Purse, but …..
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Love it!!!

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Bumblebeez SC Zone 7

I looked at that purse on Amazon and it's very cute, alas too small for me. I bought this one recently off of Etsy.

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Oakley commented on a discussion: Furniture covers for doggies
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I used quilted covers for the sofa seats until we got two dogs that shed all year. And in the summer they sweat and it smells awful. Because I haven't used top sheets in years that's what I use on the sofa, but definitely tucked in at back and the ends where it meets the arms.

Most dogs dig a spot where they sleep which is why I tuck in the sheet.

Now that it's summer, a sheet will be a nice and cool spot to lay on, even for people. :)

You can buy a top sheet by itself to match your decor. They're so easy to yank off and wash.

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My dog is recently allowed on the sofa after a 3 year ban when we got a new one. On the old couch we used a big quilt but it was a pain and unwieldy. I've ordered a seat cover from Etsy thanks to this thread. Thank you!

Oakley likes 3 comments on a discussion: Reviews; this is a new one
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I was reading reviews of a restaurant I was interested in. One reviewer gave it 1 star. Their review (I'm paraphrasing, it was a while ago) -- "the restaurant was a long drive from my house". That was it. Nothing about the food or the service or the ambiance. WTF?

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I always read one star reviews because they are usually unintentionally funny. I’ve yet to ever read any that actually show a legitimate concern or pattern that would dissuade me from the restaurant or a product.

In restaurant reviews, most often their special occasion (adult birthday or anniversary) wasn’t acknowledged, or the chef &/or manager didn’t come out to talk to them. Adults are incensed that a complete stranger didn’t wish them a Happy Birthday. I don’t understand that at all.

I usually skip the 5-star because they are so over the top in their gushing, maybe the chef came out to wish them a Happy Birthday, I don’t find them very useful.

I do like the 3-star people because they seem to be reasonable. This was good, this could have been better, or this was a miss, this is something that the restaurant couldn't control (like weather or stolen umbrellas).

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Maybe if you are at Chucky Cheese and are under 7?

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