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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 3 comments on a discussion: RRV in public or businesses
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Good for you for talking to people about it. There was a bank in town that had RRD infected plants. I printed out some pictures and info for them. They removed the plants but planted more roses in their places. I did the same with a funeral home and they removed them promptly. I think I did the same with CVS in a nearby town. Don't remember. A neighbor was very cooperative and couldn't have been nicer. I think having pictures and a printout helps. It could be useful if everyone in RRD country wrote up a short article about it and submitted it to their local newspaper and/or tv station. They are probably always looking for subject matter. But I haven't done it myself.

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Good find, and good job taking action. If you are in the USA, I'd contact your local extension office, they are affiliated with the state universities and have agricultural agents on staff.

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Maybe the business manager you talked to just seemed insincere. Maybe he meant what he said and will take care of it. How long ago did he say he'd do it?

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 3 comments on a discussion: Leap into Spring with Us - Seasonal Thread
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Ok, let’s try this: First two are WS200 and the last two are Ascot. Wow, those both look like brightly colored roses on my screen.

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BenT (NorCal 9B Sunset 14)


Texas weather is horrible, but I think NOLA is worse. I hate humidity , and the roses don’t like it, either. I bet the dry air is keeping RRD out of the West too, like that little mite just dessicates and dies. Diamond Eyes for $150, somebody must think they have a super rare and desirable rose on their hands


Wonderful to see those young roses makimg such terrific progress, I especially like GA Peach. Mme Isaac will take all the room you can give her , and she’ll want more

…this is only her second year with me!


I can’t believe they piled all those spruce trimmings over your roses. I’d probably get arrested for shooting an arborist. ”But I thought it was just a big menacing squirrel on that tree!”


You are so right about Alchemyst, the color changes are magical…my plant is very young, happy to see it bloom

This is my Felix Jury Magnolia, giving it 1st bloom! I obtained a plant once it Texas and it died a very expensive death. Then I custom ordered one from Monrovia, and they sent me a pale yellow variety. They corrected mistake, and now I finally have my plant, it has been over a decade that I’ve wanted one.

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Diane Brakefield

Ben, the seller is calling Diamond Eyes "ultra rare". I was so surprised. But as the seller rudely told me, she knows nothing about roses and didn't have time to do rose research". Blah blah. Now, she's after me to make an offer on Scentuous. Then came the 10 per cent discounts, and I noticed she changed to free shipping. This is getting funny. However, you can tell Tom, i wouldn't take a thousand dollars for my two big Julia Child plants, and the purples and Clown Prince are worth a fortune to me.....I think the dry West, plus there's nothing out there around us that can host RRD mites, unless the mites want to infest sagebrush. Not as tasty as a rose. It's really debatable about which state has the most awful weather (sorry Southerners) because it's depends when you happen to visit the state. In Texas, we went to Six Flags to please my teen daughter. We paid a fortune to get in, and all of us about died waiting in line for our first "ride". I was healthy as all get out then, but I was sure I was going to faint dead away in that heat. Not to mention the unladylike sweating that didn't cool me down a bit. We finally survived the hellish ride, and decided to leave. We couldn't take anymore of it. All that $ right down the !@#$%^&. And the flyswatter in the dresser drawer of our lodgings I'll never get over. The Disneyworld heat and humidity were hideous, too. Give me Anaheim and Disneyland any day. Rant over.

Kitty, you're lucky that Diamond Eyes is a buy it now, not an auction. So a mere $150.. I have a smart phone, but I vastly prefer a real camera. My granddaughter Jemma is a serious photog, and she uses a fabulous camera. Diane

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Echo_Texas_zone9a commented on a discussion: K&M Roses Rare Austin Report!
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They had emailed me back before Judi got ahold of them and they never responded to me after that. So I am also curious if anyone else made headway

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my husband made the trip and got 33 good looking roses (all but three were Austins) I am delighted to have own root Pope John Paul II and Dolly Parton. He also got a R. x fortuniana to replace our fifteen year old that caught RRD out one cane, survived that and then three or four years later the juglones from the walnut it was growing up may have been the source of its demise.

My Graham Stuart Thomas hedge of ten roses is re established, Two Tess of the D'Urbs is now joined by three more, and a large number of Austin's early deep reds are going to extend the Tess bed westward. Three Tamoras will go back into the bed that first had a Tamora sixteen years ago. This time the roots will be protected from the wretched rodents and the edges filled with daffodils which seem to work repulsing the damned eating machines.

And at long last, my Jeri Jennings that had lived in a good spot but didn't like red clay, something changed. Maybe the roots got deep enough to encounter the old topsoil buried under fill from the excavation for our garage, anyway., it's magnificent and climbing and just what I wanted it to be, and was willing to wait for.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 2 comments on a discussion: Any one growing climber Barock
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Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca

You are welcome. I’m glad to have Instagram as a resource because you see so much more lovely things than you can imagine!!

Kimberly, is yours in a pot by chance or in the ground. I accidentally talked myself into this rose after seeing all the lovely pics 😂

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Barock is huge this year, still young rose.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 3 comments on a discussion: Gypsy Sue from Antique Rose Emporium
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LauraLG Z5b-NwPA

Gypsy Sue is such a gorgeous rose. I captured a split colored bloom today so I’m thinking that both the pure white and apricot colors are normal expectations? Perhaps the heat washes the color out? Regardless, she always looks and smells incredible.

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LauraLG Z5b-NwPA

My Gypsy Sue hasn’t bloomed yet (we still have a few weeks before the spring flush) but she’s fully leafed out. She was tip hardy this year and is looking like a climber. I live this rose!

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Sharon z8b Texas

I bought Gypsy Sue last year and only had a few blooms. First two blooms last year completely balled from rain. She made it through winter with no problems, but I am in Central Texas where it does not go below 15F. She has arching growth, but does not appear to be a climber. I have her in a pot and I also grow some climbers in pots, and Gypsy Sue is not tall enough to be a climber. The arching growth flowers from every leaf joint like a pegged rose. First Spring flush was amazing! I need to see if I have photos. The flowers were full of petals, excellent form, self-cleaning, and the fragrance reminds me of Abraham Darby. Even handled rain just fine. She needs to be deadheaded or will produce hips from every flower. There was a small second flush where the flowers were not as full, but I also forgot to give her fertilizer. We just had a lot of rain (2.5" in 7 days) and humidity to the point that I refer to this weather as a Florida Simulator. Many of my roses have defoliated from blackspot, including Gypsy Sue, but she is putting out lots of new leaves like nothing ever happened. She is nearly thornless, too. I absolutely lover her!

Edit: I rarely spray and am inconsistent with fertilizing, but she is still great. I bought her in the Fall, so I cannot comment on summer yet.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 3 comments on a discussion: Rose still sulking after pruning
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Soozie Q, zone 10b

Yes I have fertilized her, Pink Rose. When I prune I also remove all leaves & she has leafed out, then stopped doing anything else.

Echo TX, you've described her growth habit to a T. That's why I wanted to get rid of her. My garden is too small for such a tall rose.

My PCoM is one of my favorites this year. Stately, beautiful blooms & leaves, wonderful scent, long lasting. I moved her last year from a background position to a full sun center stage spot, and she is preening in all the attention lol.

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Kristine LeGault 8a pnw

Wow! My Sweet Madmoiselle does the same thing, blooms at the tip of an 8 ft cane. She blooms a lot so she does have that going for her but I am reslly on the fence about keeping her.

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Soozie Q, zone 10b

I guess she's sweet only if we leave her alone lol

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes a comment on a discussion: David Austin Roses at Palatine
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I sent an email to Rene Schmitz at Palatine, offering to send him cuttings of over 20 other vintage Austin roses (new to my collection) in fall that are not already in his collection, to add more varieties to his Austin program.

He responded that he has reduced the number of varieties that he propagated in his Fall 2019 production for sale in the current sales season, as some of the varieties offered last year, did not sell out. Those that did not sell out, are being offered as potted plants. Further, he explained that the Covid-19 Pandemic has adversely affected his ability to produce grafted rose plants in Fall 2020. He could not get the number of rootstock plants that he desired; some of his staff could had to isolate and not able to come in to work; and the professional 'budder' from the UK could not come to do his job. Therefore, he could not produce any plants of the for the vintage Austin program in Fall 2020 for sale in the 2021/22 sale season. So during this next sale season, he can only offer for sale the plants that did not sell in this season.

Still, he is committed to this project and plans to maintain his collection of these 62 Austin varieties (3 plants of each one in his 'preservation garden') to use for propagation of plants for sale in future seasons; however, he can only propagate plants in response to the demand of his customers: he cannot propagate varieties for which there is not sufficient demand. And he needs to work this project in with his regular program, using his finite resources. For this we should all be very grateful.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes a comment on a discussion: Your most disease resistant roses in the yellow family:
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KnoxRose z7

Thank you, Lynn for reviving this old post!

I have had a lot of trial and error since writing this post back in 2014. I have lost many roses to RRV in the last couple of years, and have shovel pruned just as many because I don’t have enough yard to deal with roses that defoliate in summer. My new favorite yellow rose, and possibly my favorite rose ever is the Poets Wife. I’ve had 2 that were so healthy and constantly in bloom until I had to remove them due to RRV. I also had a Sunsprite that was tiny but always healthy and with lovely dark green foliage. I’m pretty sure it just got smothered by another rose in my garden (my fault), I just noticed it didn’t come back one year, so I’m not sure what exactly happened to it, I would definitely try growing it again in a better spot. Another stellar yellow I have found that is one heck of an aggressive climber is Golden Gate. This thing has become a monster in my yard, but it is always covered with gorgeous yellow blooms & healthy green foliage. I would recommend it to anyone with a lot of space to play with. Unfortunately GG is about to be shovel pruned as well since I noticed signs of RRV on it just the other day. I am sure my husband will be happy because this thing has taken over one whole corner of the yard & it makes mowing difficult at times.

I am gutted to have had so many losses these past few years, but after a year of sulking I am trying to remain positive & see it as an opportunity to grow new things, some of which are not roses. I’ve got a mixed shrub boarder going in to sort of act as a windbreak to hopefully provide some shelter to my roses from RRV mites that might be blowing around due to the mass plantings of knock outs around all the new apartment buildings in my area. I’ve got a few types of Verbena, a mock orange, a vitex, & some rose of sharon going in. All will be shades of white and blue/purple when in bloom & I am already imagining how yellow roses would look against all the shades of blue/purple. I hope to get some roses in that boarder eventually.

After a year or two of “giving up” on growing roses, I am accidentally back in full force and have several yellows that were delivered or purchased in the past few weeks that are new to me this year. I’ve got a South Africa (in part because of the comment above, I always remembered that lovely photo) from ARE & I’m going to let it leaf out a little more before putting it in the bed. I found Roald Dahl at the local nursery & was so excited to find it since it was sold out when I placed my david austin order this year. I also had to buy two more the Poets Wife, since as I mentioned above it is one of my absolute favorite roses. One PW is a bareroot directly from DA, but then when I found it again at my local nursery I had to buy a second one. It will be interesting to see if the bare root catches up the the nursery potted plant, I know some people swear bare roots will surpass a nursery pot in growth its first year, but I’ve never found that to be the case for the DA roses I have grown.

I do have a 4-5 year old Teasing Georgia that is doing better than ever, which is sort of shocking to me. After being very slow to establish for several years (I did buy it from the “scratch and dent” area of the nursery & then ignore it for a couple of years so it’s not really her fault), but TG looks happier than ever this year & appears to have no signs of RRV even though the rose directly next to it was one of the worst cases of RRV in the whole yard & was removed a few months back.. We will see if it continues to be healthy in the coming months, I really don’t know what to expect anymore.

I can’t tell if I’m crazy or just very hopeful for continuing to try to grow roses after loosing so many to RRV last year, but most of the knock outs nearby are dying and I’ve been in contact with the apartment building office and they seem open to the idea of removing the rest after I explained the situation, so we will see. I realized I loved them too much to just not try again.

I am including acouple of photos of both Teasing Georgia and the mammoth Golden Gate that is about to be removed (this will not be easy as it is massive & very thorny- say a prayer for us)

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Echo_Texas_zone9a commented on a discussion: Rose Mulch HELP
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nickjoseph Milwaukee, WI

Rifis, HUH? I really don't know if you were trying to be funny or posted on the wrong post???

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I used the same mulch in all my garden beds from Lowes. bought easily 40 bags of it. Everything is healthy and I don’t use spray. All my roses flushed around the first of April and are budding up for rhe next flush. No problems.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes a comment on a discussion: Brazos belle anyone?
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Any news on Brazos Belle ?

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes a comment on a discussion: Anyone get their plants from Grace Rose Farm yet?
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Lilyfinch z9a Murrieta Ca

Mine came today ! And man they are huge . I feel like this was well worth the money . I ordered Mansfield pink , notting hill and Georgia peach . They are 2 year old grafted and look it . I can’t wait to see their blooms!

The box was hefty for sure .

I am still owed two roses that were chosen as freebies . I will email them about that just to confirm they still have them on record .

Also ps : my husband was at work thankfully lol

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 2 comments on a discussion: Received beautiful order from Chamblees / one love roses
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Markay MD-Zone 7A (8A on new map)

I just unboxed my order. They arrived in beautiful condition. Dylan rose arrived in bloom.

other roses in the order: Peach Glory, Fire Opal, Anglia Love, Double Ambre, Bordeux citiscape, & William PJ McCarthy.

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Kristine LeGault 8a pnw

Wow wow! Look at Dylan rose. That is really impressive

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes 3 comments on a discussion: Opinion on this red spotting?
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Artist-FKA-Novice Zone 7B GA

I think she will be fine. It seems like one of those things that will sort themselves out.

Did DA have LEH for sale this past year and I missed it? Urgh. Great.

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Nollie in Spain Zone9

I do see some insect droppings there, but that’s not necessarily anything to do with the colouration, which is pretty normal for Lady Em. The young foliage always starts out flushed with reddish purple and then gradually turns green as the chlorophyll takes over, sometimes in an uneven, splotchy manner. She is prone to chlorosis in my alkaline soil and you can see a bit of yellowing inbetween the leaf veins here and there on mine:

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Heather RR (PNW 8b)

If I recall correctly LEH was available for a hot minute and some folks got lucky but I have no idea why I and others that had subscribed to be notified didn't get the notification it was back in stock when that happened.

As for the coloring, the bronzy purple new growth is typical (and one of the things I love about her) and while I have no idea whether the speckles are also normal mine had it too early in thr season and it didn’t seem to be an issue in the 6 years I had her before I moved.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a commented on a discussion: Can anyone identify this guy insect that eats my Earth Angel?
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Soozie Q, zone 10b

If you have the free Google Lens app you can point your camera at it & find out quickly. I know there are other similar apps but I only use this one. Convenient for identifying things & translates too.

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If you have an iphone, you can take the photo of the insect, plant or bird - and at the bottom where that little ”i” is you click on it.

after you click on it this will pop up:

its identifying an insect and the guess is a rabid wolf spider.

This is not always correct but if you capture multiple clear images and they all say the same thing and it does look right when you click on the bold link and view the suggested insect then you may have some degree of certainty.

Also Andrea it does look like the dark flower scarabs that eat my roses in early spring. they move very slowly if at all and are easy to pick off and stomp on the ground. their hard shells are somewhat hard to squeeze. I remove them manually. they seem to go away on their own when the weather heats up.

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Echo_Texas_zone9a likes a comment on a discussion: Benjamin Britten - what color IS he??
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Rose Paris

I recently got one of these, and was so lucky, as it has now been discontinued by DA. If I had known how much I would like it, I would have gotten two of them. All I can do is regret that I didn't grab that last one when I saw it. Almost no of photo of it that I have seen, even if the photos are very beautiful nonetheless, can really do it justice. Something about the brightness of the color and the way it just pops. It absolutely is just almost indescribably lovely, and I can see now why The Rose Geek has so many of them in her garden! One can wonder (again) why DA has cancelled so many of their most distinctive roses? Roses so unique in scent, shape or color, they blow your mind? The ones left available on the DA Europe website, are nice, but many of them are so banal.

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