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Depo likes 3 comments on a discussion: Let's play with my Snazzy Garottage project
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Here’s the vineyard photo, which didn’t post.

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I was imagining S vacuuming up that beach sand in Hilton Head, which I'm sure she did many many times... LOL

S had 3 kids, 7 grand kids and at least that many great grandkids...all of whom have GREAT names. It was fun seeing them all together again, one last time for me, probably...

Two of S's granddaughters (who are the daughters of my friend from that family, who is no longer with us...sadly...) are the spitting image of their mom. It's uncanny. I was so glad to get to see them again.

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I'm not used to the fridge yet I think there's someone standing behind me cuz I'm used to my white one well this one's stainless steel and it's shiny on the doors and that nice fingerprint free stuff on the sides I'll see if I have a pic

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