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clubnev commented on a discussion: BainUltra review
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Interesting. Their website is still active. But things change all the time these days. I found looking for tubs similar to looking for appliances. Complaints about each brand everywhere. And plumbing supply houses push the product that gives them the biggest commission. They all have their “preferred brands”.

I took a chance with Jason but that was the only company that fit my criteria besides Bain. I wanted a more well known brand like Koehler. I was ready to buy Bain until the retailer was dishonest. Not with Bain but with my other plumbing orders.

Good luck. It’s a chore!

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I have sat in every tub in my city just swear. Bain is by far most comfortable in a normal price range. I have found a $14,000 tub i really like love 😂😂. Im looking for 67”. Try the signature hardware inoma. I didnt like it bc it was too long :), so you may like it

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Thanks Lauren. I'm actually looking at a 67" tub as well but just need the interior basin length to be around 47"+. If you want, you can email me directly so I can let you know what I come up during my search. I don't want to bother everyone on this post with a notification every time we make a comment :) FYI - I have also sat in every tub in my city lol and most are not comfortable. I do understand where you are coming from though as it is quite and investment and it's not something we will readily change out.
