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Candace commented on a discussion: How do you organize your home information?
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I have mine in sheet protectors in large (4”) 3 ring binders - one for large appliances, one for small appliances & outdoor stuff (BBQ, etc) and another one for miscellaneous/electronics.

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"Currently, I have manila folders. New washing machine? I staple the receipt to the manual and toss it into the "appliance" file and throw out the manual for the old one.

Same thing for major repairs, like a new roof or air conditioner......."

So. IT WORKS? : ) Then I'd ask what is the issue? To me, as long as you know where the folders are, you are fine, barring a fire that torches the folders.

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Jennifer Hogan

I don't keep much paper around.

Have an excel document with date of purchase, cost, where purchased, make/model/Serial number/ link to user manual / website.

Keep all scheduled maintenance in Outlook as repetitive appointments.

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Candace likes a comment on a discussion: Kitchen reno tip for first time homeowner?!
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Mark Bischak, Architect

Use the kitchen as it is, and while using the kitchen over time, keep a list of things you would change or improve. As you compile the list the priorities will become obvious. Some items will be able to done in the near future, some will be able to be done in the more distant future, and some will be done in the next house.

Edit: Some people would kill for a kitchen like that.

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Candace likes a comment on a discussion: Please Help - My Wife Hates My Stereo Equipment
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Joseph Corlett, LLC

"I had my wife's support with the concept and the equipment I envisioned. The only constraints were: 1) there couldn't be any visible power cords, or wires, etc., and 2) I couldn't put anything in front of the windows in order not to block the view. I purchased the equipment and seeing it in person has caused my wife great distress, even though the rules are followed (cables from the speakers, for example, will run under the floor through access ports). In fairness, the speakers, which are 4' tall, but stand about 4' from the windows, do slightly block the view if they are positioned just right -- that is one of her objections, but I think the real problem is that she just thinks they are too intrusive. I should point out that before ordering anything, I showed her the various speakers I was considering. My first choice was more massive, but less expensive. My wife preferred the most expensive speakers I was considering, and thought they (Bowers & Wilkins 801D4) looked fine and much better than any of the others under consideration. Although I am naturally frugal, I spent the extra money expecting to make her happy."

None of this matters. A deal is not a deal. Like the building inspector, the rules are what your wife says they are on the day she makes them, and you don't sleep with the inspector. You're toast, dude.

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