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beesandblues88_z7a commented on a discussion: Monarda - Do I really want to grow this?
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Try Phlox Jeana, it's a hummingbird and Swallowtail magnet. It grows to around 5ft tall and about 3ft wide. The day I brought my first one home I sat the pot on my patio to grab the shovel out of the garage and when I walked back into the yard there was hummingbird on it. They are very reliable and the Swallowtails also love it. IIt is the highest rated Phlox at Mt. .Cuba. I have 3 of them and have never seen a speck of powdery mildew on any of .

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rouge21_gw (CDN Z5b/6a)

Thanks @mxk3 z5b_MI. 10 years and more ago it seemed that we would get frost by Canadian Thanksgiving (October 11). Now we go well into November it seems before we get a killing more than enough time for these late flowering plants to do their thing.

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mxk3 z5b_MI

"Now we go well into November it seems before we get a killing frost..."

It's variable up here, but not as late as November. Couple years ago we had a hard frost in mid-September; other years, it's usually sometime in October.
