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amj0517 likes a comment on a discussion: Death with dignity wisdom
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Thank you, all, this helps. I know it will be ok; it's just hard. One of MY favorite memories of all time is when I saw an ad on Craigslist quite a few years ago by a woman looking for help to make a raincoat for a rescued goose whose feathers had all fallen out on her back. My friend's mom is an extraordinary sewist, quilter, embroiderer, etc. Museum level stuff. She had just moved here from Boston to live close to her daughter, and wasn't yet too busy, so I mentioned the ad to her. She was ALL in! I drove her to the rescue and she took measurements and sewed the most amazing raincoat for the goose She thought it was a hoot and we couldn't stop laughing about it. I think the local paper ran a story about it, but I can't find it in the archives. I can't believe I don't have a picture of the final coat, but this was the pattern she made that she was trying on at one of the goose fittings. :)

So, I imagine we'll have a good laugh at this memory!

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